Tag: EMS

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Problem accessing Active Directory for Exchange 2007 OWA users

Recently I posted about one cause of Outlook Web Access errors that users may experience after their mailbox is migrated from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007.  Users are presented with a browser error containing the message: Exception type: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.StoragePermanentException Exception message: There was a problem accessing Active Directory. In addition to that common cause I […]

September 26, 2008

EMS – Exchange 2007 Public Folder item count

With a simple Exchange Management Shell command you can display a list of your public folders and the item count for each one.  All you need to do is pipe Get-PublicFolder into Get-PublicFolderStatistics like this: [PS] C:\>Get-PublicFolder -Recurse | Get-PublicFolderStatistics

July 29, 2008

Enable/disable Exchange Server 2007 circular logging

When planning a mailbox migration to Exchange Server 2007 you should consider the amount of transaction logging that will be generated by the move.  In low risk environments circular logging can be used to avoid disk space problems caused by the volume of transaction logs generated during bulk mailbox moves. You can query the current […]

July 25, 2008

EMS – Creating Email Address Policies for branch offices

In some companies different departments or branch offices require different primary SMTP addresses.  You can configure these for users with Email Address Policies.  In this example the company wants all users to have an @company.com address, but each branch office’s users have a primary email address representing that branch. First we must make sure each […]

April 24, 2008