Tag: Hybrid Work

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Hybrid Work Guides: Great or late? Teams Rooms Licensing Delights or Disappoints: Practical Podcast S3 Ep.10

This week on the Practical 365 podcast, Paul and I are talking about Microsoft Teams and the Hybrid Workplace. Microsoft have released "Hybrid Work Guides for your Business". And, whilst producing brochures for your executives to read about how to improve Hybrid work - Teams Rooms gets some licensing changes - which you'll either love or.. not love so much. Plus, ever wanted a universal translator? Teams delivers...

September 8, 2022

The Practical 365 Update: S2, Ep 22 – Exchange Updates, Teams 2.0 Deep-Dive plus Justin Morris from Microsoft with real-world advice on Teams Hybrid Meetings

On the show this week, Steve and Paul discuss Teams version 2.0 - and take a deep dive into why the new version will perform better. Justin Morris from Microsoft joins us with expert, real-world advice on Teams Rooms, we discuss Exchange updates (with new features!), Windows 11 planning guidance, plus find out the key features rolling out to your tenant now.

July 9, 2021