Author: Paul Robichaux

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Practical Protection: Limiting the Damage from Local Admin Accounts

Because of the way the Windows security model works, it’s not currently possible to eliminate the use of passwords for local administrator accounts. Given that fact, the next best solution is to remediate the biggest problems with passwords for these local accounts, including weakness, reuse, and tenure. In this article, we discuss how the Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) helps with all of those!

May 3, 2023

Practical Protection: Baby Steps Towards Zero Trust 

Implementing zero trust in the world is a big hassle, often uncomfortable, and frequently dorky—plus, it can be expensive. At the same time, moving closer to a zero trust model helps harden your network significantly, and you may already have many of the tools and techniques you need available without much extra cost. In this article, we discuss how to take baby steps toward Zero Trust.

April 19, 2023