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Why Continuous Access Evaluation (CAE) for Azure AD Matters

Continuous access evaluation (CAE) is a feature that flew under the radar over the past two years. Even so, CAE for Azure Active Directory is an extremely important feature that will not only increase the security posture of your environment but reduce the amount of time before a user loses access to resources when certain critical events happen. This article discusses the need for the feature and how to work with it.

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Secure Access for Remote Workers without Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps

In the second article of this 2-part series, we describe the alternatives that exist to help secure access for remote workers, exploring the worthy features that don’t require MDCA. The features detailed in this article are available for any tenant with Azure AD Premium licensing and offer a more generic set of controls for tenants where MDCA licensing is not available.

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Using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps to Secure Access for Remote Workers

There are many ways to provide secure access for remote users working on a home network or personal device (such as VPNs or VDI environments) and they each bring their own levels of complexity. This article explores using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps as a solution that is easily deployed, and capable of expanding beyond Office 365 to bring a higher level of control and governance over third-party cloud apps that lack similar native controls.

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Azure AD App Management Method Policies Harden Application Security Posture

Still in public preview, new application authentication method policies will help Microsoft 365 customers adhere to best practices for managing application credentials, while asserting pressure on ISVs to do the same. Going forward we can expect this to turn into a standard configuration, enforced across many organizations. To address the problem, Microsoft is ready to release a set of features to help. In this article, we introduce you to Azure AD application authentication method policies, one of the features in the set.

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Intune policies for a user-friendly Edge Chromium deployment

With the move from Edge Legacy to Edge Chromium, there are few reasons to use a third-party browser on Windows 10. Despite being the browser of choice for most businesses, Edge, much like OneDrive for Business, needs a bit of configuration to get it right. In this article, Ru explains the different Intune Administrative Templates recommended to make your users’ first run of Edge smooth and appropriate for the enterprise.

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