Tag: Adaptive scopes

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Using Adaptive Scopes with Retention Policies for SharePoint Online Sites

Adaptive scopes are a new way to target locations for Microsoft 365 retention policies. Previously, we covered how to use scopes to find users and groups. Now, we move to describe how to use adaptive scopes to find SharePoint Online sites and OneDrive for Business accounts. The process is not quite as easy as it is to create scopes for users and groups, but once you understand how to add custom properties to sites, you're home free and easy. That is, if you have the necessary Office 365 E5 licenses to use adaptive scopes...

November 15, 2021

Using Adaptive Scopes with Microsoft 365 Retention Policies for Users and Groups

Adaptive scopes are a new way to dynamically target sets of locations (sites, users, and groups) for Microsoft 365 retention policies. In this article, we discuss the basics of adaptive scopes and how to build the filters used in the scopes, and then how to use adaptive scopes in retention policies. Adaptive scopes are well suited to the kind of processing needed by large enterprises, which is good because they required Office 365 E5 licenses.

November 11, 2021

Microsoft Extends Teams Retention Policies to All Licensed Office 365 Accounts

Microsoft announced a bunch of changes for Microsoft 365 records management on May 19. The most interesting changes are allowing all licenses Office 365 accounts to use Teams retention policies and the advent of adaptive scopes for retention policies, both of which should be useful for many tenants. The announcement also covers multi-stage disposition reviews. If you know what that means, you'll be excited. If not, you won't.

May 20, 2021