exchange-2007-shell-logo.jpgThanks to the Exchange Management Shell you can check the status of your Exchange Server 2007 services with a single command line.

[PS] C:\>Get-Service | Where {$_.Name -match "Exchange"} 

Status   DisplayName
------   -----------
Running  Microsoft Exchange Active Directory...
Running  Microsoft Exchange Anti-spam Update
Running  Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync
Running  Microsoft Exchange File Distribution
Stopped  Microsoft Exchange IMAP4
Running  Microsoft Exchange Information Store
Running  Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistants
Running  Microsoft Exchange Mail Submission
Stopped  Microsoft Exchange Monitoring
Stopped  Microsoft Exchange POP3
Running  Microsoft Exchange Replication Service
Running  Microsoft Exchange System Attendant
Running  Microsoft Exchange Search Indexer
Running  Microsoft Exchange Service Host
Running  Microsoft Exchange Transport
Running  Microsoft Exchange Transport Log Se...
Running  Microsoft Search (Exchange)

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for




    thanks for ur information.

  2. anonymous

    why not just use:
    get-service msexchange*

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