In this week’s episode of the Practical 365 Podcast, posts Steve Goodman and Rich Dean welcome Microsoft CVP, Yonatan Zunger; and as usual, we talk through the biggest news this week in the world of Microsoft 365, including how you can get Copilot today.

In Case You Missed It: Copilot for Microsoft 365 is Available on CSP with Less Restrictions

We’d be remiss not to remind you, in case you missed it, that Copilot for Microsoft 365 is available in quantities of 1 or more, with a subscription of 1 year (billed up-front) via the CSP license program. Restrictions requiring Microsoft 365 have been dropped, so Office 365 customers can benefit from CSP too. We hear from Microsoft sources that it has been popular as “department-led” purchases, and I’ve seen customers start with just a few licenses so they can get hands-on before purchasing more for an initial pilot.

Microsoft Drops the Restrictions for Copilot for Microsoft 365 (

This Week’s Guest: Yonatan Zunger

On the show this week, we welcome Microsoft Corporate Vice President of AI Security and Safety, Yonatan Zunger.

Yonatan started in theoretical physics, studying a field that changed the face of war and international relations – before changing focus to computing and has an impressive resume that spans Twitter, Google, and now Microsoft. His team is dedicated to pioneering ways to ensure AI systems are secure, ethical, and safe for use. Our conversation delves into Zunger’s background, his pivotal role at Microsoft, and his valuable perspectives on the complexities and prospects of AI technology.

On the show, we discuss topics including:

  • What are the most significant challenges in AI safety and security today? 
  • How does Microsoft ensure its AI technologies adhere to ethical standards? 
  • Where is the field of AI heading in the next 2-5 years, particularly in terms of safety and security? 
  • How is Microsoft preparing for these future developments? 
  • How does Microsoft collaborate with others in the realm of AI safety, security, and regulation?

Plus, as you’d expect, we get some useful practical advice that you can use and pass on to others explaining how to use newer generative tools like GPTs and Copilots safely, and how to explain simple techniques on how to get the most out of the tools, to colleagues and users.

Join us in two weeks’ time for season four, episode thirteen.

TEC Talk: Active Directory Modernization: A Journey to a Secure and Flexible Identity Infrastructure

TEC Talk: Active Directory Modernization: A Journey to a Secure and Flexible Identity Infrastructure Join Julian Stephan and Joe Sharmer’s Free Webinar on Feb. 1st @ 11 AM EST.

About the Author

Steve Goodman

Technology Writer, Podcast Host and Chief Editor for AV Content at Practical 365, focused on Microsoft 365. A 13-time Microsoft MVP, author of several technology books and regular Microsoft conference speaker. Steve works at RootUK as Chief Technology Officer, advising business and IT on the best way to get the most from AI & Microsoft Cloud technology.

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