Happy New Year to all our Practical 365 followers!

It’s been a great year in the world of Microsoft Office 365 and Exchange, and we’ve enjoyed every opportunity to write about this online. We would like to thank our new Practical 365 community members who have shared their experience and knowledge in useful and insightful blogs to help others in the industry.

Are you looking for a New Year’s resolution? Get involved and write for us! We are open to contributors with all levels of writing experience and various technical backgrounds. If you’re interested, get in touch with us at team@practical365.com

We look forward to what 2019 brings!

About the Author

Steve Goodman

Technology Writer and Chief Editor for AV Content at Practical 365, focused on Microsoft 365. A 12-time Microsoft MVP, author of several technology books and regular Microsoft conference speaker. Steve works at Advania in the UK as Field Chief Technology Officer, advising business and IT on the best way to get the most from Microsoft Cloud technology.

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