When configuring a new Windows Network Load Balancing cluster using Hyper-V guest machines you may encounter the following error.

NLB Cluster Fails with Status Code 0x8004100a on Hyper-V Guest

Update failed with status code 0x8004100a

To resolve this error enable MAC spoofing on the properties of the virtual network adapter for the Hyper-V guest machine.

NLB Cluster Fails with Status Code 0x8004100a on Hyper-V Guest

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for Practical365.com.


  1. imran

    solve my problem – Great work

  2. Amr

    I have the same issue but the servers are physical ?

  3. Gerardo Luque

    Hi, I made this change but the host server still getting the same error
    Processing update 4 from “NLB Manager on SVR-PESTRES.bts.net”

    Starting update…

    Going to modify cluster configuration…

    Modification failed.

    Update failed with status code 0x8004100a.

    Thanks in advance

  4. Al


    I also encounter this issue, so what should I do in this case for VMware ESXi not Hyper-V ?

  5. Daniel

    Man, your blog is just too handy. I came up against this issue myself the other week and was just going to blog about it on my own blog – but you beat me to it by 10 months. 🙂

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