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All About Microsoft Purview Sensitivity Labels (2023)

Microsoft has broadened and deepened the functionality available through sensitivity labels since their introduction in 2018. This article explains the basics of sensitivity labels and highlights some of the areas where important changes have occurred.

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Top Ten PowerShell Tips for Microsoft 365 Management: Part Two

If you are stuck using your on-premises resources to manage a cloud infrastructure, it is an opportune time to change that with the availability of tools and functions that are now available. In this article, we focus on how to use PowerShell to manage Microsoft 365. In addition, we consider how to use cloud services to manage PowerShell code, testing, security controls, and more. 

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Security Researchers Can Do Better When Discussing Microsoft 365 Flaws

Security researchers love to report software vulnerabilities that they find. That's their role and it's a valuable contribution to the technical community. However, some of the reports about Microsoft 365 flaws are over-hyped and under-considered, like a recent example covering the risk of phishing in the Exchange Online Direct Send feature.

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Comparing Outlook Groups to Shared Mailboxes (2022 Edition)

Outlook groups and shared mailboxes both help small teams work with shared email. The decision as to which to use depends on the exact needs the team has. Microsoft has given Outlook groups some useful enhancements recently, but shared mailboxes are still the most email-friendly choice.

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