In this week’s show, Paul and Steve discuss the new Apple Silicon version of Teams: It was here, now it isn’t – why? Exchange Server receives security updates; with Facebook getting a bashing for their Metaverse contributions, will Mesh for Microsoft Teams ever see the light of day; and Exchange Online changes that might affect software you use. Plus – Sean McAvinue and Jason Jacobo join us to help answer the question – what did you leave behind in your migration?
Where are Teams for Apple silicon?!
First up on the show, we ask – where are Teams for Apple’s M1 processors? Apparently, it is still being rolled out globally – albeit slowly. As Paul explains, you can potentially receive it earlier if you enroll in the public preview for Teams.
Improvements for polls in Teams
Polls in Teams get welcoming new features – and become effectively “first party” in Teams rather than being based on a Microsoft Forms style engine. The experience makes a big difference, especially to folks moving from legacy webinar platforms who rely on these features.
OneDrive turns 15: Old Enough To Drive
Microsoft’s baby that had its name changed: OneDrive celebrates its 15th birthday and we reminisce on the times we used to call it SkyDrive, or when queues of folk harangued the produce group at conferences thanks to its Groove.exe-based engine (which has thankfully been replaced). If OneDrive were a person, it would be, most likely, drinking cider under a canal bridge in the UK, or undertaking more civilized activities in the USA like learning to drive. We then ask – why isn’t OneDrive in your car today? With cars becoming smarter, uploading Tesla Sentry Mode footage to OneDrive would be a no-brainer!
Microsoft celebrates OneDrive’s big day
You need to apply these Exchange Server August Security Updates, even if you are just running a Hybrid Server
Fortunately (or unfortunately if you now need to perform some patching), Microsoft has patched new vulnerabilities found in Exchange Server 2013, 2016, and 2019. These apply whether you host Mailboxes on-premises or simply use the Hybrid functionality for management and SMTP relay. If you’ve removed the last Exchange Server, via supported methods, then you don’t need to apply these updates. There are changes you need to make before applying the patches, so make sure you read the instructions from Microsoft below.
August 2022 Security Updates for Exchange Server 2013, 2016, and 2019
Sean and Jason join us to discuss: You’ve Migrated…But What Did You Leave Behind?
Sean McAvinue (Microsoft MVP) and Jason Jacobo (Quest) join us to discuss the biggest question you need to ask yourself this week: You’ve Migrated… But What Did You Leave Behind?
In the interview, we talk about different scenarios, including transformations where you migrate from on-premises, and tenant migrations where you migrate… between tenants, obviously! Often there’s an imperative need to move quickly and mistakes can be made – and important data can be lost! We chat about how Sean avoids this through planning techniques you can apply yourself; and how Jason has been working with his team on tools to help with finding and cleaning up data, like PST files, that you might miss.
Sign up for their webinar, on September 8th, 2022 at 10 AM EST or on-demand
Will the cold response to Meta/Facebook’s Workrooms spell the end for Mesh for Microsoft Teams
Social media and the computing press have been awash with comments ridiculing Meta and Mark Zuckerberg for the terrible-looking Workrooms product that the Meta CEO has been promoting, comparing it to 20-year+ old games – and we aren’t impressed either.
We discuss whether the silence from Microsoft on their Mesh for Microsoft Teams product promised in the “first half of 2022” – potentially means they’ve quietly discontinued development on a product that potentially no one really wants.
During the podcast, we try and get into the spirit, as once again, like every time we mention Mesh for Teams, I pop on my VR headset and attempt to grab a drink of coffee…

The future looks… hot! Scolding, some might say. Nonetheless, expect an update on Mesh for Microsoft Teams at Ignite.
Lots of People are Saying the New Emojis are Bad
Whilst Paul has no evidence to back up his claim that lots of people are saying that the new emojis in Teams are not as good as the old ones, our veteran MVP metaphorically points at the cloud and gets angry about the new look for these emojis. I on the other hand hadn’t noticed! 🤣
Exchange Web Services Doesn’t Want You To Use It for Teams Exports
And finally… Sounds kinda obvious, to the uninitiated – but it is important to know. In January 2023, Microsoft will prevent access via EWS to Microsoft Teams data. This is typically being used by migration and backup vendor software, using what Microsoft is saying is an unsupported method. If you are using a backup product for Teams, then you might not know that this will cause you potential issues – so check in with your backup vendor to see if you could be affected by this.
Microsoft: No Teams Access via Exchange Web Services in 2023
Join us in two weeks’ time for the next show – until then, get patching your Exchange Servers!
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