Tag: Azure AD Security Defaults

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When You Should Disable Azure AD Security Defaults

Security Defaults is a control in Azure Active Directory which has been around since 2019 and is enabled by default on new tenants created after October 2019. Microsoft recently announced they will now start turning on Azure AD security defaults for existing tenants. Throughout this blog we will explore what this means and if Security Defaults is the right fit for your organization.

June 13, 2022

Microsoft Plans Big Security Improvement for Unprotected Office 365 Tenants

Microsoft plans to enable Azure AD Security Defaults for Office 365 tenants created prior to October 2019. The move will protect an additional 60 million Azure AD accounts against common attacks by enforcing MFA more broadly. It's a big deal in terms of improving the overall security posture of Office 365. If you don't want to use Security Defaults, tenant administrators can switch them off.

June 1, 2022