Tag: Distribution lists

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Upgrading PowerShell Scripts with Azure AD Cmdlets to Use Graph API Calls
PowerShell Microsoft Graph

Upgrading PowerShell Scripts with Azure AD Cmdlets to Use Graph API Calls

Microsoft has announced that they won't support the Azure AD Graph after June 30, 2022. This means that the Azure AD PowerShell module won't be supported either. With that in mind, it's probably a good idea to think about how to upgrade scripts to use Graph API calls instead of Azure AD cmdlets. In this article, we take a script created to count members in distribution lists and convert it to use the Graph. As it turns out, the Graph bit is easy. It's all the housekeeping beforehand that takes the time.

July 7, 2021
Getting Exchange Online Distribution List Membership Counts with PowerShell 15 Comments
Exchange Online Powershell

Getting Exchange Online Distribution List Membership Counts with PowerShell

It's important to know if a tenant has any very large distribution lists as these might be the source of reply-all mail storms. An old article explains how to report the membership counts for distribution lists on an on-premises Exchange server. Life is different in the cloud, and we need to take a different approach. This article explains how to use different calls in a PowerShell script to create a nice report about distribution list memberships.

June 7, 2021