Tag: Enterprise Backup and Recovery

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An Insider’s Look into Storm-0558

The Storm-0558 incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential threats that organizations face in today's digital landscape. In this blog, Rich Dean recaps the insider conversation around Storm-0558 that the Practical 365 Podcast team had with Alex Weinert, Microsoft's VP for Identity Security.

November 6, 2023

Heard at TEC: Hacked and Afraid – dramatic tales from AD disaster recovery scenarios

Figuring Out Recovery Strategies This session was an open panel conversation between Brian Hymer, Brian Desmond, and Patrick Ancipink, three acknowledged experts with a core focus on Active Directory. The key goal of the session was to discuss Active Directory (AD) issues, especially how to recover from them. Feedback came from the panel leaders and […]

October 11, 2022