Tag: Security

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Two Security Books

Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World is written by the internationally renowned security expert Bruce Schneier.  Bruce has authored several books on security and this one is a fascinating read that is sure to open your mind up to new ways of thinking about security in everyday business matters.  This book has […]

March 31, 2007

Windows Vista @ Black Hat

Austin Wilson of the Windows Vista Security Team reported back from the recent Black Hat conference about a demonstration in which a security researcher inserted unsigned code into the kernel of an x64 version of Windows Vista.  This demonstration has led many to declare the security of the upcoming Microsoft product to be poor. Of […]

August 11, 2006

Steve Riley: Mandatory Integrity Control in Windows Vista

Steve Riley has updated his Blog with a discussion on the new Mandatory Integrity Control features of Windows Vista. http://blogs.technet.com/steriley/archive/2006/07/21/442870.aspx If you don’t know who Steve Riley is you can read his bio here. I’ve seen Steve talk at TechEd and other Microsoft conferences before and he really captivates the audience with an entertaining and […]

July 23, 2006