office-365-hybrid-cover-final-400When we released the very popular Office 365 for Exchange Professionals eBook, some people told us that there’s just too much information in 800 pages. They wanted some very specific information about one particular scenario – how to create and manage a Hybrid Exchange deployment.

Enough people were asking about it that we decided to take three chapters and an appendix from Office 365 for Exchange Professionals to create a standalone eBook that is focused on all aspects of Hybrid Exchange connectivity and deployment.

The Complete Guide to Managing Hybrid Exchange Deployments is 160+ pages of pure Hybrid Exchange. Written by Michael Van Hybrid (or Van Horenbeeck, if you insist) with a little help from his friends, the guide is as complete and up to date as it can be.

If you want to just learn about Hybrid Exchange without all the other Office 365 information, then this is the eBook for you.

Click here to find out more

PS – Just to be clear, if you already own a copy of Office 365 for Exchange Professionals, then you’ve already got the information contained in this Hybrid eBook (plus a whole lot more).

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for

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