As 2016 draws to an end it’s time to look back and reflect on another year, and also look forward to the future.

It’s been another busy year for me here at Exchange Server Pro. Each year I like to pull some stats from the blog to see how things compare to the previous year. Here’s the numbers for 2016.

  • 135 new blog posts, not including posts written for other sites (such as Practical 365, which I have more news about shortly). Last year the number was 139.
  • There were 3947 new comments posted, which is an increase of about 10%, not including spam and any that were blocked as false positives for any reason. 1114 of the comments were written by me.
  • My contact form was used for 2820 new submissions (questions, customer service, consulting requests, etc). I’m sorry I was not able to answer everyone’s questions, but as you can see I get a lot.

During the year I also co-authored:

As well as those books, I also published seven courses with Pluralsight:

That’s on top of a steady flow of consulting and support work, and speaking at a few conferences throughout the year as well.

I’m rather looking forward to a holiday.

Last year I also shared some web traffic stats. This year, the numbers are about the same, which is the first time in several years that this site has not grown significantly in terms of traffic (although my inbox seems to have gotten busier). I suspect the main reason for the plateau is that the on-premises Exchange customer base, and therefore the community, is not growing as it once was. I have no access to secret Microsoft numbers, but it shouldn’t be a great surprise to anyone that the cloud is where most of the action is happening today. I don’t think we’re shrinking so much as we are evolving into something different, as our careers change along with the industry itself.

In fact, as much as I love working with on-premises customers and contributing to the strong community of Exchange admins that exists today, most of the work I actually do these days is with Office 365.

Most of you probably don’t know that this site had a different name when I first started it. Quite a silly name as it turned out, and in the early days I made a wise decision to re-brand to Exchange Server Pro. It was a change that reflected the type of IT professional I was at the time, working mainly with Exchange migrations and support, and riding the wave that was Exchange Server 2007.

A few months ago I launched another site, Practical 365, covering the wider world of Office 365. It was a chance to start over, avoid some of the early mistakes I made here, and see whether a different direction fit where I am today in my career. Practical 365 has worked out quite well so far, but as anyone who has written a blog knows, keeping one blog up to date is hard enough. Keeping two up to date is nearly impossible, at least not with a reasonable level of quality and consistency. There are only so many hours of the day to fit writing in with work, family, exercise, and some leisure time.

And so, after I’ve enjoyed a good couple of weeks of much needed vacation time, I’ll be merging the two sites together into one single site. In 2017, Exchange Server Pro will become Practical 365. There’s quite a lot of work involved in making that happen, but it should go ahead in January.

Such a change probably raises some questions, so I’ll do my best to answer them here and keep this list up to date with anything else that comes up.

Q: Does this mean no more articles about Exchange Server?

A: No, I will definitely still be writing about Exchange. A lot of Exchange information applies equally to Office 365 after all. I envisage “Exchange Server” becoming a category of the new site, instead of the sole topic. I also plan to keep contributing to the on-premises Exchange community with things like PowerShell scripts. And of course, when Microsoft release the next version of Exchange (any bets on the name?) I’ll be all over it.

Q: What if I’m not interested in reading about Office 365?

A: You are welcome to skip over any articles you’re not interested in. I hope you’ll still find the Exchange Server content useful, and perhaps in time the new Office 365 content will also be useful to you. If not, I thank you for your support over the years.

Q: What about newsletter subscribers?

A: The Exchange Server Pro newsletter will become the Practical 365 newsletter. There’s already been a healthy amount of interest shown in the Office 365 content that has been in the newsletter previously. If you decide you no longer want to receive the newsletter you can easily unsubscribe, and I thank you for all your support over the years.

Q: What happens to people who have bought eBooks from you?

A: Nothing changes except the brand name for the site. If you have access to download your books and updates today, you’ll still have it after the change. We’ll continue to sell eBooks, and release new ones in future.

Q: Have you thought about selling Exchange Server Pro instead?

A: Yes. Are you offering to buy it?

Q: You’re making a big mistake.

A: That’s not a question.

Q: What will happen to the Exchange Server Pro Podcast?

A: For now, the podcast is on hiatus. I’m still considering what to do with it. I enjoy the conversations with experts, but it usually involves me staying up very late at night due to the differences in time zones, and that is not a healthy habit. I might re-brand it or start a new podcast. Or I might put that time to use in other ways that are more useful to the community.

If you have any other questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Thank you again for all your support this past year, I couldn’t do this without you.  Have a safe and happy new year, and I’ll see you again in 2017.

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for


  1. DNash

    The content you published on your ExchangeServerPro site I found to be invaluable. Our Exchange is now migrated to O365 and we are syncing our AD. Your transition to this new site is timely for me. I am looking forward to reviewing the various blog posts and articles you provide!

  2. Marcin

    Q: You’re making a big mistake.
    A: That’s not a question.

    I’m still laughing 🙂

  3. Pam

    I still refer to many of your older posts on the Exchange Server Pro site. They are always incredibly clear, concise & correct! Will those older articles continue to be published in an archive form? I have also been watching your Pluralsight courses whenever time permits…. they are really good. You may be tired from all the work, but it doesn’t show in the great quality of your blog and your courses. Thank you & best of luck with the new blog.

  4. Khan

    Interesting you mention how the job roles are changing with technology, do you think Office 365 will eventually replace Exchange on premise?

    1. Avatar photo
  5. Mert

    Somehow I’ve missed this blog post; feedly just showed it to me yesterday.

    I’m a bit sad that everyone is more and more focusing on the cloud. There may be reasons to go online(for example smaller companies shouldn’t maintain an own mailserver) but there are also many reasons to stay at your own infrastructure. Cloud is just one solution of many but all you hear is that it’s the best and innovative thing in the world…

    1. Mert

      What I forgot; I really enjoy reading your articles and I hope we will still see many on premise posts 😉

  6. Alex A.

    Been here since I started my career with Exchange and never looked anywhere else. Looking forward to the coming year!

    Thanks Paul for your contribution

  7. Amir

    Hi Paul
    merry Christmas
    have a nice Holiday,thanks for everything

  8. Carlos

    Hello Paul,

    How do you do to manage so many things at the same time?


  9. Ejaz Ahmed


    I really appreciate the time and efforts you put in creating some of the most valuable content around Exchange and Office 365. Also thank you for updating the O365 for It Pros to 3rd edition and your book “Exam Reference 70-345” is helping me to prepare for my next exam. don’t know how you mange to do all this alone but well done and thank you once again.

    1. Avatar photo

      I don’t do all this alone. Most of my recent books have been collaborative efforts. There are three authors + two technical reviewers for Office 365 for IT Pros, plus a large number of peer reviews by other MVPs. The exam ref was also a co-authored book, and MS Press has an editorial team that helps with all their titles as well.

      Lots of people involved in lots of different ways.

  10. Tiago Souza

    Paul, congrats for all the work you’ve been doing to the Exchange community. In my opinion, your website is one of the best sources regarding Exchange worldwide. I admire the quality of the content you publish here. You could create a blog post explaining how you find time to do all things you do! how to handle with time management, I’m impressed! 🙂 … I think you’re moving to the right direction and I’d like to wish you the best and a great new year!

  11. Carol Ostos

    Merry Xmas and have a great holiday! Looking forward to the next chapter (Would you mind covering Exchange 2016 DAG over GWAN) 😉

  12. Diago Fernandes

    Hi Paul,

    I and my team really enjoy the articles and contents of both your websites and find them invaluable in the life of Exchange admin. If fact, I skip my lunch to read your articles the moment they are published.

    It is indeed smart move on your part to merge them together specially when enterprises are moving to O365. Recently we did and now I can relax and sleep well.

    I would love to see more contents and VIDEOS relating to O365. Your contributions on Exchange Server are life savers and invaluable to all the Exchange admin.

    Wishing you happy holidays. Enjoy your vacation.

    Cheers and all the best!!

  13. Sesan

    Season’s Greetings Paul,

    Thank you for all the knowledge transfers… Great Guy


  14. Muneeb

    Congrats! i wish you all the luck for 2017.


    I can not see a good article on Unified Messaging and its missing the real experience on blogs as well. I look forward for more in depth Unified messaging migration articles if possible.

  15. Sebastian

    Couldn´t you simply create two categories on the website (Exchange vs. O365) so that persons can only read what your wish? I would also have a RSS feed which allows me to read only the Exchange stuff rather then o365.

  16. Michael

    Congrats, Paul! This sounds like a new and exciting opportunity to transition to your new Practical 365 site. I find this change very relevant as our institution has already migrated from on-premise Exchange to Office 365. I look forward to what you bring in 2017!

    Hope you have a great holiday break!

  17. Peter

    Hi Paul,

    Really enjoy and value your blog and eBooks. Am looking forward to the changes next year, and the coverage of O365 as well as Exchange Server.



  18. Sam Brown

    Hi Paul,

    Just wanted to say Happy Holidays, enjoy your time off, and thanks for all the effort you have put into this site.

    Your site has certainly made my transition into the role of an Exchange Admin much easier. I’m sure the site will continue to be a great resource for Exchange Admins everywhere (on-prem and Exchange Online).

  19. Victor

    Hi Paul,
    I like what you are doing and look forward to the new site.
    Thanks for all the blogs and books I find them invaluable.
    Have a nice holiday and best wishes in the new year.

  20. George

    Hi Paul,

    can you explain, next year, the configuration of exchange 2016 multi-tenancy!

    best regards, merry christmas and happy New-year.

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