Back in January this year when I opened the Exchange 2010 Boot Camp I had no idea how many people would be interested in joining.

Well, as of right now, 2620 people have signed up to get access to more than 3 hours of free training videos.

Exchange 2010 Boot Camp video
Exchange 2010 Boot Camp video

I’m pleased that so many of you have found the training to be valuable. And amongst all of the positive feedback many of you are telling me the same thing – you want more.

More of the same quality, focussed, practical lessons on Exchange Server 2010 installation, configuration and administration.

So today I’m announcing the Exchange 2010 Boot Camp PLUS training program.

PLUS membership gets you more training modules, more advanced training scenarios, and extra access to download and watch videos offline on your computer or tablet.

Click Here to Find Out More

For a limited time I’m offering a special introductory price for those who want to sign up now before the first new training modules are released in a couple of weeks.

This introductory offer will end once the first new training modules are available, and the price will go up. But if you sign up now you’re locked in at the introductory price, and you won’t pay another dollar as new lessons are added to the training program.

I’m committed to providing quality training at an affordable price (especially in these tough economic times) so the regular price will not be super expensive, but this will be the only time this low introductory price will be offered.

Sign Up Here

By the way, there are some frequently asked questions on the page that may answer any concerns you have at this point, but if you have any other questions you can get in touch with me using this contact form.

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for

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