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Microsoft Wants to Talk About Group Sprawl (Finally)

Nearly seven years after the introduction of Office 365 Groups, Microsoft has finally admitted that tenants might just have a problem with "group sprawl." In other words, tenants have too many underused or unused groups because the groups have been created without oversight and not managed thereafter. Microsoft wants to discuss the problem with tenant administrators. thinks this is a great idea and strongly supports the initiative to get a handle on group sprawl once and for all.

February 17, 2021

How the new wave of libraries from Microsoft 365 PnP will change the way you modernize SharePoint

This blog delves into the new wave of libraries that will support cross-platform development; introduces support for Microsoft .NET Standard 2.0 and Microsoft .NET 5.0.; and more importantly, describes how the new libraries will provide the needed tooling to easily modernize your classic solutions so you can create new modern solutions.

February 5, 2021