Project Coconut Entries:

Deploying the first Exchange Server 2007 server

In this post I’ll explain some of the tasks around deploying the first Exchange Server 2007 server into the existing Exchange organisation at the Project Coconut customer site.

To recap, so far I have:

With the environment ready it is time to prepare the Exchange server host for installation. For this project I am deploying a “Typical” Exchange server, meaning it is installed with the Client Access, Hub Transport, and Mailbox Server roles. The combined software pre-requisites for this are:

I have not included any of the requirements for Unified Messaging as I will not be installing this server role, however you can read about them here. If you happen to be deploying your Exchange server on Windows Server 2008 you can install the pre-requisites by following these instructions.

Running Exchange Server 2007 Setup

Now it is time to run Exchange Server 2007 setup. Setup can be run in GUI mode but I like to fire it off from the command line and then go do something else, because frankly the Exchange install takes a while and is not that exciting to watch after the first few dozen times.

For a “Typical” Exchange server installation into an existing organisation you only need to specify the server roles you wish to install and the legacy server that will be used for routing between the old and new servers. For Project Coconut I’m also specifying a different install directory than the default.

Setup /mode:Install /roles:CA,HT,MB /LegacyRoutingServer:EXCH2000SERVER.domain.local
/TargetDir:"D:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange Server"

Providing there are no errors during install you will now have your first Exchange Server 2007 installed into the Exchange organisation.

After Installing Exchange Server 2007

Once the installation is complete you may wish to perform these tasks:

In the next part of Project Coconut I’ll discuss how to deploy Standby Continuous Replication.

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for


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