In previous articles I have demonstrated how to restrict distribution groups as well as how to report on who can send email to a distribution group in Exchange Server 2010.

In the comments of that second article Lee asks:

Now that I have a list of users who can send to this Distribution List, how do I remove one person? The EMC shows the same list, minus one person. I’m hoping they can be removed using the shell.

Edit: I should mention here that if you want to just modify one group the easiest way is probably just to use the GUI. But Lee is asking about the shell 🙂

To answer the question let’s look at the following scenario. The “All Staff” distribution group is configured with the following restrictions on who is authorized to send email to the list.

[PS] C:\>Get-DistributionGroup "All Staff" | fl name,accept*

Name                                   : All Staff
AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom                 : { Office/Users/Alannah.Shaw, exchangeserverp
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers        : {}
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers : { Office/Users/Alannah.Shaw, exchangeserverp

So we can see that Alan Reid and Alannah Shaw are currently allowed to send to the distribution group.

Now let’s assume we want to remove Alannah from that list. One way to do that would bet to use Set-DistributionGroup and overwrite the current setting with the new one.

[PS] C:\>Get-DistributionGroup "All Staff" | Set-DistributionGroup -AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom "Alan.Reid"

[PS] C:\>Get-DistributionGroup "All Staff" | fl name,accept*

Name                                   : All Staff
AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom                 : { Office/Users/Alan.Reid}
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers        : {}
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers : { Office/Users/Alan.Reid}

This has the desired outcome, but would not be practical if there were more than a handful of users or groups that were allowed to send to the distribution group.

A more practical approach in that case would be to only remove Alannah Shaw from the list. We can see here that the “AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom” property is a multi-valued property.

[PS] C:\>$dg = Get-DistributionGroup "All Staff"

[PS] C:\>$dg.AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom.GetType()

IsPublic IsSerial Name
-------- -------- ----
True     True     ADMultiValuedProperty`1

We can remove an entry from the multi-valued property, we just need to know the distinguished name of the item we want to remove. One easy way to get that is to query Alannah Shaw’s mailbox itself. So to remove her from the list in this example we would run this PowerShell command:

[PS] C:\>$dg.AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom -= (Get-Mailbox Alannah.Shaw).DistinguishedName

The final step is to set the new multi-valued property on the distribution group.

[PS] C:\>Get-DistributionGroup "All Staff" | Set-DistributionGroup -AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom $dg.AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom

[PS] C:\>Get-DistributionGroup "All Staff" | fl name,accept*

Name                                   : All Staff
AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom                 : { Office/Users/Alan.Reid}
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers        : {}
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers : { Office/Users/Alan.Reid}

The same outcome has been achieved as before, but this time we selectively removed a person which is more practical if there are a lot of users or groups permitted to send to it, and would be easier to script if running through multiple distribution groups.

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for


  1. Flavia

    How can you see the details of the users included in delivery management list?

  2. Vignesh

    Hello Paul,

    Good day !!

    I have exported all the Distribution Groups which has restrictions for people to send email to that group

    Now, I need to add a user so that the user will be able to send email to all Distribution Groups which has accept messages from restriction

    Is there any powershell script for this

  3. JRagusa

    Is there a method to remove a user from “RejectMessagesFrom” using Powershell? The user is somehow in that list and I need to remove it.
    When doing Get-DistributionGroup “AllBankEmployees” | fl name,reject* I can a bunch of users there.

  4. Bobby Watt

    Is there a method, for using PowerShell to prevent Distribution Groups to No Longer Accept Messages from other Distribution Groups in bulk?

  5. rajkarthik

    Hello Paul,

    Everything is working well and thanks for it. But we need to know how to remove the single user in “accept messages only from” in all Distribution List.
    Very much appreciated, If any scripts available for it.
    Please help me or give suggestion to sort out this issue.

  6. Tom

    I ran the same commands but failed as the mailbox no longer exists in my environment. suggestion?

  7. Lee Hutchinson

    Thanks a lot for this, big help. I was unable to do this through the GUI because one of the mailboxes in the -AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom list had vanished, this prevented me from adding or removing users. I suppose the GUI could not locate the mailbox to to add the user (which was already in the list).

    Thanks again.

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