Microsoft has released Update Rollup 3 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 3.

This update includes a number of fixes that are listed in KB2891587.

Deploying Exchange Server 2010 SP3 Update Rollup 3

The standard order of deployment for Exchange Server updates applies.

  1. Client Access servers, starting with the internet-facing ones. See this article for how to patch a CAS array.
  2. Hub Transport and Edge Transport servers
  3. Mailbox servers. See this article for how to patch a Database Availability Group.
  4. Unified Messaging servers

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for


  1. Patrick Schley

    Hello Paul,

    I installed SP3 and want to install UR13. I can run it, no problem. However, when I’m done, UR13 is not installed. Exchange shows Version 14.3 Build 123.4. It should say Build 294.0. Any ideas on what I can do?

    1. Avatar photo
      Paul Cunningham

      The build number for Exchange 2010 servers shown in Get-ExchangeServer and in the Add/Remove Programs (or Programs and Features) control panel doesn’t change when an update rollup is installed. You can see the update in the Installed Updates view of the control panel though.

  2. vineshwar deo

    Hi Paul, i have exchange 2007 SP3 and have installed rollup 11, 12, 13 and now having issues with connecting outlook anywhere. i can see that rollup 6 is missing, just woundering is it possible to install rollup 6 without uninstalling rollup 11, 12, 13. i believe rollup 6 is the best rollup for exchange as it doesnt have any issues with outlook anywhere.

    Please help

    1. Avatar photo
      Paul Cunningham

      The URs are cumulative. You can’t install UR6 when you’ve already installed later URs.

      I don’t know of any known issues with Outlook Anywhere and any 2007 URs. I would suggest you troubleshoot the problem and if necessary contact Microsoft Support.

  3. Siddu

    Hi Paul,

    I have some concerns…can you clarify me.

    My set is running exchange 2010 sp3 ru2,
    CAS/Hub is running on one server(windows server 2008 R2)
    2 Mailbox servers are running two physical machines. They are part of DAG

    I just want to add a new cas role on existing mailbox using exchange 2010 sp3…then what is my roll up version on cas role on existing mailbox server.


  4. geezbill

    Lots of folks reporting outlook client “Category” issues after applying this Rollup and persisting in Rollup 4.


    1. Avatar photo
      Paul Cunningham

      Can you link us to a source for that? I haven’t heard this from anybody before now.

      1. jay c

        The Exchange Team blog has some discussion of this issue. The problem is that users are unable to sort by Category. It sounds like it only affects users in Online mode. If Outlook is set to Cached mode, then it’s not a problem.

        1. Jeff G

          A client-side workaround for the bug isn’t quite a bugfix or hotfix for the categories issue.

          Lets say 20% of your users with online mode, they would be impacted unless you switched them to cached mode or updated the folder view for each mailbox. So the real news is we’re waiting for SP3 Update Rollup 5 (March/April?).

  5. Harold

    To apply Rollup 3 on SP3, will I need the SP3 files on the server? I read other users having issues with SP2 rollups.


  6. Thomas Appleby

    Hi Paul,

    Have there been any reported issues with RU3 since its release on Monday?

    thank you.

  7. Hector Fonseca

    Hi Paul.
    Tahnks for the advise.
    in Exchange Server 2010 SP3, Can I install directly this Rollup without install the previous rollup 2 ?

    1. Avatar photo
      Paul Cunningham

      Yes. Updates rollups are cumulative, you just install the latest for the service pack level that you’re running.

      1. Hector Fonseca

        Thanks a lot. This is an excellent Web Site

  8. Prabsom

    I am having an issue installing Update Rollup 2. Can I install Update Rollup 3 without Rollup 2 ?


  9. Khalid

    If I am ruing EX 2010 SP 2 AND I want to update to latest one SP 3 RU3
    should I go through all the SP2 RU’s then SP3 RU’s
    or I can go directly to SP 2 RU 6 then SP3

    1. Avatar photo
      Paul Cunningham

      You’ll need to install SP3 first, then you can install UR3 for SP3. No need to install any other updates, you can always go to the most recent one.

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