When connecting to Outlook Web App (OWA) for Exchange Server 2010 users may report the following error in their web browser.
Outlook Web App didn’t initialize. If the problem continues, please contact your helpdesk.
Couldn’t find a base theme (folder name=base)
This can be caused by missing OWA theme files in \ClientAccess\Owa\\themes sub-folder of the Exchange 2010 installation path. By default this is C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\ClientAccess\Owa\\themes.
To resolve the error you can perform a restore of the files to the Client Access server from a previous backup.
If that is not available to you then you can also restore the files by re-running Exchange Server 2010 SP1 setup in upgrade mode.
C:\Admin\Exchange2010SP1>setup /m:upgrade Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup Preparing Exchange Setup Copying Setup Files COMPLETED The following server roles will be upgraded Languages Hub Transport Role Client Access Role Management Tools Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check Configuring Prerequisites COMPLETED Language Pack Checks COMPLETED Hub Transport Role Checks COMPLETED Client Access Role Checks COMPLETED Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server Language Files COMPLETED Restoring Services COMPLETED Languages COMPLETED Hub Transport Server Role COMPLETED Client Access Server Role COMPLETED Exchange Management Tools COMPLETED Finalizing Setup COMPLETED The Microsoft Exchange Server setup operation completed successfully.
You should now see the restored files in the correct location, and OWA will begin working again.
Thanks Paul for this post, & thanks Ryan for the solution that worked for me, the setup /m:upgrade says “Copying files” but immediately finishes to the command prompt on my CU12 install.
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Hi Paul,
You can also run the following from EMS:
C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14BinUpdateCas.ps1
The Upgrade switch will overwrite modifications that were made on the Virtual Directories?
Modifications such as…?
Standard configs you’ve made via the EMC/EMS should be fine. Other customizations will probably be overwritten.
Thank you thank you thank you… this worked perfectly.
Can we copy and paste it from a separate CAS installation or from a DR site?
Probably yes. But if you’ve only got one CAS then that option wouldn’t be available 🙂