Since I released the Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 script one of the most common feature requests has been to add health checks for Database Availability Groups.

So I am pleased to announce the availability of Get-DAGHealth.ps1, a Database Availability Group health check PowerShell script.

Note that the functionality of this script has been merged with the Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 script to provide a single, daily health check script that you can use for your Exchange environments. If you are looking for more than just DAG health I recommend trying Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 instead.

Please read the usage instructions in below or in the script help info.

This script is available on the TechNet Script Gallery or Github. Comments are welcome below. If you find a bug please consider raising it as an issue on Github.

Running Get-DAGHealth.ps1

The script is written and tested for Exchange Server 2010 and Exchange Server 2013 CU1.

The script requires the Exchange Management Tools to run. You can execute it from the Exchange Management Shell, or a regular PowerShell session and it will add the Exchange snapin if not already loaded.

You can also execute it as a scheduled task. I use the follow settings in my scheduled task to make it work:

  • Run whether user is logged on or not
  • Run with highest privileges
  • Action:
    • Start a program: powershell.exe
    • Arguments: -command “c:\scripts\daghealth\get-daghealth.ps1 -Detailed -SendEmail”
  • You may need to modify your script execution policy to run this script as it is not signed
  • You may need to open the Properties of the downloaded file and “unblock” it before it will run

Use Get-Help to see more usage details and examples.

PS C:\Scripts\DAGHealth\> get-help .\Get-DAGHealth.ps1 -Examples


    Get-DAGHealth.ps1 - Exchange Server 2010 Database Availability Group Health Check Script.

    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------


    Checks all DAGs in the organization and outputs a health summary to the PowerShell window.

    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

    C:\PS>.\Get-DAGHealth.ps1 -Detailed

    Checks all DAGs in the organization and outputs a detailed health report to the PowerShell
    window. Due to the amount of detail the full report may get cut off in your window. I recommend
    detailed reports be output to HTML file or email instead.

    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------

    C:\PS>.\Get-DAGHealth.ps1 -Detailed -SendEmail

    Checks all DAGs in the organization and outputs a detailed health report via email using
    the SMTP settings you configure in the script.

I generally recommend using the HTML file or email output to get the best results. The HTML output gives a color-coded health report to bring to your attention any potential health issues such as databases not active on their first preference server, unhealthy copies or queues, unhealthy content indexes, and other things that can sometimes go unnoticed with DAGs.


The report is indicative only. You should investigate and validate any issues that it flags to determine what if any action is required to resolve them.

This script is available on the TechNet Script Gallery or Github. Comments are welcome below. If you find a bug please consider raising it as an issue on Github.

Change Log:

  • V1.0 – 14/02/2013 – Initial release
  • V1.1 – 24/04/2013 – Bug fixes, Exchange 2013 compatibility

Feedback and bug reports welcome in the comments below. If you like this script please feel free to share this article with your friends and colleagues on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ etc. You might also be interested in some of my other PowerShell scripts.

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About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for


  1. Robert

    Love the script but I updated to include AutoSuspended lag copies in Exchange 2016 so they show up as green and happy.

    1. Avatar photo

      The Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 script should also have that update, and I generally recommend using that one instead. I don’t maintain this DAG health script any more, after it was merged with Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1.

  2. Trieu Truong

    I’m facing with the issue when I trying to run this script.
    It was shown this error:
    Warning: \Location of this script\ignorelist.txt could not be found. No servers, DAGs or databases will be ignored.
    —— Finishing

    I already stick unblock on those properties.

  3. Thomas Manin

    Waow thanks Paul !

  4. Brettc

    we’ve got a global exchange environment, but our region is restricted to a small number of servers+dags.
    currently the script is throwing connection errors for other region servers due to permissions errors for those servers.
    Is there any way to mod script to _only_ query specific servers/dags?
    we’ve used ignorelist.txt, but that doesn’t stop connection attempts to other database servers

  5. Royal Wang

    $smtpsettings = @{
    To = “”
    From = “”
    Subject = “$reportemailsubject – $now”
    SmtpServer = “”

  6. Amir

    first of all i must say that its amazing,i had a question, when all my node are up in my cluster i run this script but i got FAILED in Database Redundancy and Database Availability
    how ever my dag is working well and databases switch over on my servers
    what’s this FAILED in my email?

  7. Matthew Prentice


    Thanks for the great script. Just made my life a lot easier.

    I made a minor code adjustment so I can have multiple To recipients in the settings.xml:

    $smtpsettings = @{
    To = [string[]]($ConfigFile.Settings.EmailSettings.MailTo -split “,”)
    From = $ConfigFile.Settings.EmailSettings.MailFrom
    SmtpServer = $ConfigFile.Settings.EmailSettings.SMTPServer
    Subject = “$($ConfigFile.Settings.EmailSettings.Subject) – $now”

    This allows for one or more recipients separated by a comma.

  8. Ripu Daman

    How Can I add a section to show Dag is balanced or not, I can see it Visually but can I add a tab to see if all the DAG are balanced or not.

    Ripu Daman

  9. Jo

    Hi Paul…
    Great script! But, can’t get the ignorelist to work….what is the syntax for the ignorelist.txt?

  10. Alan

    This script has worked like a charm for me for near 2 years in Exchange 2010. We are now deploying 2016, the script still works on our 2010 servers, but not on 2016, error is:
    “Could not load file or assembly ‘Microsoft.Exchange.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral,
    PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.”
    Any ideas?

  11. John Kindred

    Newbie here … can you give me instructions on how to set this up to run for the first time?

  12. TLN

    Great script Paul,
    I have mix Ex2010/Ex2016 with 2 DAGs, when I ran the script on a Server 2008-R2 with Exchange 2010 powershell, the report does not shows the “Health Summary” and “Health Detail” for the EX2016’s DAG, it shows “Member Health”.
    The script failed when I ran it with Exchange 2016 powershell.

  13. Ziac

    Hey Paul,

    This worked great!!! and i mean i automated it and no issues.
    what tips can you give me if i wanted to add drive space and stats on the report?

  14. Sameh Khairy

    Hi The script not working with me and i receive the below message

    WARNING: The file C:Scriptsignorelist.txt could not be found. No servers, DAGs or databases will be ignored.
    —— Finishing
    Sending email.
    Send-MailMessage : The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.
    At C:ScriptsGet-DAGHealth.ps1:1092 char:20
    + Send-MailMessage <<<< @smtpsettings -Body $htmlreport -BodyAsHtml -Encoding ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidType: (:) [Send-MailMessage], FormatException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : FormatException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SendMailMessage

    Send-MailMessage : A recipient must be specified.
    At C:ScriptsGet-DAGHealth.ps1:1092 char:20
    + Send-MailMessage <<<< @smtpsettings -Body $htmlreport -BodyAsHtml -Encoding ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient:SmtpClient) [Send-MailMessage], InvalidOpe
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SendMailMessage


  15. Richard M

    I have used the ignorelist.txt before for server names but is there a way to ignore a certain database copies like “database1server2” in the DAG Health Details or is the ignore only the database name which will ignore it for everything?

      1. Richard M

        One of the members was going to be down for a couple of days so it was put into DAG maintenance mode and I just wanted to temporarily clean up the report while it was down, however that DAG member and its copies will be decommissioned tomorrow so its fine. Thank you for the reply and keep up the great work, your articles and replies are very helpful

  16. David Kraxner

    This is a great script. I prefer it over the Test-ExchangeServerHealth because of the nice HTML Report.
    However I cannot get it to send emails to more than one person. I have tried separating the “TO” email addresses such as “”, “” but no email ever arrives. I also tried a distribution list with the same result.

    The Quorum Group and File Share Quorum show as “FAILED” and highlighted in yellow for both of the two servers I have. What does that mean?

    Thanks Paul!!!

    1. Avatar photo

      The Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 script has a HTML report as well.

      For multiple recipients I recommend sending the report to a distribution group.

      For the failed items, you’ll need to investigate your DAG/cluster config further.

  17. Sven

    Excellent Script! Thank you Paul

  18. Sridhar

    Hi Paul,

    I am implemented this script in my origination and it’s working without any issues through exchange shell and also getting email notification as well. However I have created scheduled task for this and run the script but not getting email notification.

    Can you help me on this…

  19. Sridhar

    Hi Paul,

    After make changes in script it’s working fine.

    I want to send this email report multiple users which strings I need to add in the script. Getting below error.

    Send-MailMessage : The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.
    At E:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14ScriptsGet-DAG Health.ps1:1076 char:20
    + Send-MailMessage <<<< @smtpsettings -Body $htmlreport -BodyAsHtml -Encoding ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidType: (:) [Send-MailMessage], FormatException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : FormatException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SendMailMessage

    Send-MailMessage : A recipient must be specified.
    At E:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14ScriptsGet-DAG Health.ps1:1076 char:20
    + Send-MailMessage <<<< @smtpsettings -Body $htmlreport -BodyAsHtml -Encoding ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient:SmtpClient) [Send-MailMessage], InvalidOpe
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SendMailMessage

    Can you help on this.

  20. Sridhar

    Hi Team,

    I want to implement this script on my organization.

    The script is working by using exchange shell with out any issues. The report not getting through email the required SMTP changes has been done and also I tracked the message report email not trigger to our exchange servers.

    Can someone help me on this.

  21. Keith Pratola

    So the script is great and I set it up to run as a scheduled task. Now the boss says that he only wants to receive an email if the DAG is not healthy or has failed over to the secondary site. Is that possible at all, or would that most likely come down to a paid for 3rd party solution?

    1. Avatar photo
  22. Keith Pratola

    What happens when your company is using Gmail to receive the reports? For me in Outlook it looks fine with everything showing as green, but unfortunately Gmail removes all the colors which makes it harder for our NOC to easily identify an issue.

    1. Avatar photo

      HTML email renders differently in different email clients, webmail services, mobile devices, etc etc. It’s a big deal for marketers etc who want their emails designs to work for as many people as possible, and they pay designers and use expensive testing tools to achieve that.

      I’ve made a simple HTML email that works in Outlook, which is as far as I’ve gotten with it right now sorry 🙂

      1. Keith Pratola

        No worries. I use Outlook, so it looks good for me. Even on my iPhone since I am using the Outlook app. I’ll just have to remind them this is another reason why we should be using Exchange instead of Gmail. 🙂

  23. Joel Smith

    I am also getting an empty screen…it just states …………finishing and then done on the next line with no output. Running two Exchange 2013 CU7 servers in a DAG. Piping output to html file made no difference, just an empty html file.

      1. Cristian

        Same error here, Exchange 2013 CU9.
        Log file only show these lines…
        08/19/2016 13:05:58 =====================================
        08/19/2016 13:05:58 Exchange Server DAG Health Check
        08/19/2016 13:05:58 08/19/2016 13:05:55
        08/19/2016 13:05:58 =====================================

  24. Ilker Karaoglan

    Hello there, looks like very extensive and great script.
    However when I run the script in mixed Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2010 environment I get empty report.
    Even in powershell screen, I see finished but no result in the screen nor in the folder itself.

    With kind regards.

  25. Don Nash

    This is a great script. I have one issue that I am not sure how to resolve. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I receive the following error most times when executing the Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 script

    WARNING: Windows Failover Clustering encountered a transient error. Trying the operation again may be successful. Error: ‘IsNodeClustered’.

  26. Luis Reyes

    In the report there is a field named “Preference”, but I do not what it means…

    Do you have any link where explain it? Or someone knows about it

    Grettings from Mexico

    1. Avatar photo
  27. Matthias

    Hi Paul

    Ah I see. Since Get-DAGHealth.ps1 seems to be integrated in Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1, I want to run: Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1.


  28. Matthias

    Hi Paul

    This seems to be very nice script. But I am not able to get a html file.
    If I change the ReportMode parameter to $true in line 114 as outlined in line 20 then I always get asked for the ReportMode parameter. There I can enter what ever I want. I only get the error:

    Cannot process argument transformation on parameter ‘ReportMode’. Cannot
    convert value “System.String” to type “System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter”. Boolean parameters accept only
    Boolean values and numbers, such as $True, $False, 1 or 0.

    I run the script on an Exchange 2013 server with the roles: MBX and CAS.

    Do you have an idea what to do?

    Kind regards


  29. Roy Bobley

    When I run Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 it too says that the mail flow test failed. When I run Test-MailFlow it just times out and Fails. All appears to be working fine? What to do next??

    1. Roy

      Paul or anybody,
      Suggestions on what or how to test further??

  30. Roy Bobley

    When I run this test, everything passes except the “Mail Flow Test” which Takes a long time and fails.

    What troubleshooting should I do next?

    Any help is appreciated!


    1. Avatar photo
  31. Wammus

    Had a problem running this script from a scheduled job. After troubleshooting using “Start-Transcript” I noticed it was not able to automatically connect to the Exchange servers:

    VERBOSE: Connecting to *******
    An internal error occurred.
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (http://*******….tVer= [], PSInvalidOperationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CreateRemoteRunspaceFailed

    (this error did not occur when running the script manual)

    I commented out line 280:
    # Connect-ExchangeServer -auto -AllowClobber
    And now it works like a charm!

    Great script! Thanks!

  32. Scott McIntosh

    I signed up as an insider and logged in, but cannot locate where I download this script

  33. Mike

    Thanks Paul, this looks very useful.

    So far though, nothing. I run the script and…. nothing. No errors.

    I’ve modified the smtp variables, attempted to run to a file, to screen… nothing. Are there other variables to be changed besides the smtp settings?

    1. Avatar photo

      Without modifying anything if you just run the script it should find and check any DAGs in your org, and output the results to the screen. Start with that.

      This script is probably a bit out of date anyway. I recommend looking at my Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 script which is more comprehensive.


    Hi Paul,
    Big fan of your work. Your scripts have made my life a lot easier. I am attempting to run the DAG Health check script but am getting the following error:

    WARNING: Unable to get Primary Active Manager information due to an Active Manager call failure. Error: An Active Manager operation failed. Error
    Operation failed with message: Error 0x6d1 (The procedure number is out of range) from cli_AmGetDeferredRecoveryEntries.

    We have our domain with several regions. It’s possibly trying to read a DAG I don’t have access to? Can I get the script just to read the DAG’s I have access to? Like: Set-adserversettings -recipientviewroot Where would I insert that in?

    1. Avatar photo

      Sounds possible. On line 103 of the script you can customize the Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup command to grab just the DAGs you want or exclude others.

      I haven’t developed this script much further after I rolled it into the Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 script. That script has an ignorelist.txt that you can use to exclude specific DAG names if you need to.

      1. KNADMIN

        Hi Paul,
        The Ignore list in combination with the server list worked perfectly. Thanks again.

      2. Tauseef Ahmed Ansari


        Is there a way we can Skip “DBLogReplayKeepingUp” in test-replicationhealth cmdlet?

        Please help

        1. Tauseef Ahmed Ansari

          We have lagged copy setup in Exchange 2013 DAG.

  35. k

    Hi, I am looking for a script to automate the client connections (MAPI, RPC/HTTPS, ActiveSync).
    In simple words i am looking for a script to do Could you please help. Thanks.

  36. Kush

    Hi Paul,

    How would you output the results to HTML. Can you please provide the syntax?



  37. Marcel


    Today we’ve updated Exchange 2013 with CU6.
    If i run the script i get Cluster Network “*FAILED*”.
    The verbose output:
    [PS] C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV15Scripts>C:Get-DAGHealth.ps1 -Detailed -SendEmail -Verbose -Debug
    VERBOSE: Retrieving Database Availability Groups
    VERBOSE: 1 DAGs found
    VERBOSE: —- Processing DAG DAG01
    VERBOSE: 2 DAG members found
    VERBOSE: 3 DAG databases found
    VERBOSE: —- Processing database DB01
    VERBOSE: DB01 has 2 copies
    VERBOSE: Database Copy: DB01SCL-RJE-ML-0001
    VERBOSE: Server: SCL-RJE-ML-0001
    VERBOSE: Activation Preference: 1
    VERBOSE: Status: Mounted
    VERBOSE: Copy Queue: 0
    VERBOSE: Replay Queue: 0
    VERBOSE: Content Index: Healthy
    VERBOSE: Replay lag is False
    VERBOSE: Truncation lag is False
    VERBOSE: Database Copy: DB01SCL-RJE-ML-0002
    VERBOSE: Server: SCL-RJE-ML-0002
    VERBOSE: Activation Preference: 2
    VERBOSE: Status: Healthy
    VERBOSE: Copy Queue: 0
    VERBOSE: Replay Queue: 0
    VERBOSE: Content Index: Healthy
    VERBOSE: Replay lag is False
    VERBOSE: Truncation lag is False
    VERBOSE: —- Processing database DB02
    VERBOSE: DB02 has 2 copies
    VERBOSE: Database Copy: DB02SCL-RJE-ML-0002
    VERBOSE: Server: SCL-RJE-ML-0002
    VERBOSE: Activation Preference: 1
    VERBOSE: Status: Mounted
    VERBOSE: Copy Queue: 0
    VERBOSE: Replay Queue: 0
    VERBOSE: Content Index: Healthy
    VERBOSE: Replay lag is False
    VERBOSE: Truncation lag is False
    VERBOSE: Database Copy: DB02SCL-RJE-ML-0001
    VERBOSE: Server: SCL-RJE-ML-0001
    VERBOSE: Activation Preference: 2
    VERBOSE: Status: Healthy
    VERBOSE: Copy Queue: 0
    VERBOSE: Replay Queue: 0
    VERBOSE: Content Index: Healthy
    VERBOSE: Replay lag is False
    VERBOSE: Truncation lag is False
    VERBOSE: —- Processing database SPAM
    VERBOSE: SPAM has 2 copies
    VERBOSE: Database Copy: SPAMSCL-RJE-ML-0001
    VERBOSE: Server: SCL-RJE-ML-0001
    VERBOSE: Activation Preference: 1
    VERBOSE: Status: Mounted
    VERBOSE: Copy Queue: 0
    VERBOSE: Replay Queue: 0
    VERBOSE: Content Index: Healthy
    VERBOSE: Replay lag is False
    VERBOSE: Truncation lag is False
    VERBOSE: Database Copy: SPAMSCL-RJE-ML-0002
    VERBOSE: Server: SCL-RJE-ML-0002
    VERBOSE: Activation Preference: 2
    VERBOSE: Status: Healthy
    VERBOSE: Copy Queue: 0
    VERBOSE: Replay Queue: 0
    VERBOSE: Content Index: Healthy
    VERBOSE: Replay lag is False
    VERBOSE: Truncation lag is False
    VERBOSE: —- Checking replication health for SCL-RJE-ML-0001
    VERBOSE: ClusterService Passed
    VERBOSE: ReplayService Passed
    VERBOSE: ActiveManager Passed
    VERBOSE: TasksRpcListener Passed
    VERBOSE: TcpListener Passed
    VERBOSE: ServerLocatorService Passed
    VERBOSE: DagMembersUp Passed
    VERBOSE: MonitoringService Passed
    VERBOSE: ClusterNetwork *FAILED*
    VERBOSE: QuorumGroup Passed
    VERBOSE: FileShareQuorum Passed
    VERBOSE: DatabaseRedundancy Passed
    VERBOSE: DatabaseAvailability Passed
    VERBOSE: DBCopySuspended Passed
    VERBOSE: DBCopyFailed Passed
    VERBOSE: DBInitializing Passed
    VERBOSE: DBDisconnected Passed
    VERBOSE: DBLogCopyKeepingUp Passed
    VERBOSE: DBLogReplayKeepingUp Passed
    VERBOSE: —- Checking replication health for SCL-RJE-ML-0002
    VERBOSE: ClusterService Passed
    VERBOSE: ReplayService Passed
    VERBOSE: ActiveManager Passed
    VERBOSE: TasksRpcListener Passed
    VERBOSE: TcpListener Passed
    VERBOSE: ServerLocatorService Passed
    VERBOSE: DagMembersUp Passed
    VERBOSE: MonitoringService Passed
    VERBOSE: ClusterNetwork *FAILED*
    VERBOSE: QuorumGroup Passed
    VERBOSE: FileShareQuorum Passed
    VERBOSE: DatabaseRedundancy Passed
    VERBOSE: DatabaseAvailability Passed
    VERBOSE: DBCopySuspended Passed
    VERBOSE: DBCopyFailed Passed
    VERBOSE: DBInitializing Passed
    VERBOSE: DBDisconnected Passed
    VERBOSE: DBLogCopyKeepingUp Passed
    VERBOSE: DBLogReplayKeepingUp Passed
    —- Database Copy Health Summary —-

    Database Mounted on Preference Total Copie Healthy Cop Unhealthy C Healthy Que Unhealthy Q Lagged Queu Healthy Ind
    s ies opies ues ueues es exes
    ——– ———- ———- ———– ———– ———– ———– ———– ———– ———–
    DB01 SCL-RJE-… 1 2 2 0 2 0 0 2
    DB02 SCL-RJE-… 1 2 2 0 2 0 0 2
    SPAM SCL-RJE-… 1 2 2 0 2 0 0 2

    —- Database Copy Health Details —-

    Database Na Database Co Mailbox Ser Activation Status Copy Queue Replay Queu Replay Lagg Truncation Content Ind
    me py ver Preference e ed Lagged ex
    ———– ———– ———– ———– —— ———- ———– ———– ———– ———–
    DB01 DB01SCL… SCL-RJE-… 1 Mounted 0 0 False False Healthy
    DB01 DB01SCL… SCL-RJE-… 2 Healthy 0 0 False False Healthy
    DB02 DB02SCL… SCL-RJE-… 1 Mounted 0 0 False False Healthy
    DB02 DB02SCL… SCL-RJE-… 2 Healthy 0 0 False False Healthy
    SPAM SPAMSCL… SCL-RJE-… 1 Mounted 0 0 False False Healthy
    SPAM SPAMSCL… SCL-RJE-… 2 Healthy 0 0 False False Healthy

    —- Server Test-Replication Report —-

    Server ClusterServ ReplayServi ActiveManag TasksRpcLis TcpListener ServerLocat DagMembersU MonitoringS ClusterNetw
    ice ce er tener orService p ervice ork
    —— ———– ———– ———– ———– ———– ———– ———– ———– ———–
    SCL-RJE-… Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed *FAILED*
    SCL-RJE-… Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed *FAILED*

    Do you have any idea why this reports failed?

    Thanks in advance,


    1. Avatar photo

      Run Test-Replication health and look at the details there. You might need to do “test-replicationhealth | fl” to see more info.

      If there’s no help there look in the event logs for more clues.

      The script is just reporting what it sees, it can’t troubleshoot for you.

      1. Marcel

        Hi Paul,

        Thanks for your quick reply!
        I’ve been able to fix the “misconfigured” issue it had to do with IPv6.
        All is ok now and I can confirm that both this and the Exchange Server Health Check Report work fine with CU6.

        Have a nice weekend.


  38. Tuan Bui

    Hi Paul
    I running Scipt on Coexist exchange 2010 and exchange 2013.
    I had 2 DAG (1 For Exchange 2010 and 1 Exchange 2013). Exchange 2010 was OK, but Exchange 2013 not Run
    It not get healthy DAG exchange 2013 with Error
    Could not load file or assembly ‘Microsoft.Exchange.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35’ or one of its dependencies. The
    system cannot find the file specified.
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup], FileNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=XXX2013,RequestId=faca3730-5443-4548-90e8-bddf46d82352,TimeStamp=10/27/2014 11:48:46 AM] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-F
    ileNotFoundException] AF360ECA,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.GetDatabaseAvailabilityGroup
    + PSComputerName :

    Please can You help me fix it?

  39. jtsai

    I’m getting all the info except for server column on the last section for test-replication… any idea? lastest Exchange 2010 SP & Rollup.

  40. jacob

    i can’t recive the email report

      1. Matt

        Gone back to the author of the script with a lot of detail on what the issue is and didn’t at all just say something very general that is impossible to troubleshoot.


      2. jacob

        i run it on my on premis cas and it run perfectly but it doesn’t send me email although i config the mail on the “Modify these Email Settings”

        1. Avatar photo
  41. Ranga


    Excellent script and very quick to get report in friendly viewable format

    In Exchange 2013 during the issue When I run the Test-replication health on individual server it shows the failure in DatabaseRedundancy & ‘DatabaseAvailability .

    Results on DAG Servers:
    DatabaseRedundancy *FAILED* There were database redundancy check failures for database ‘DatabaseAvailability *FAILED* There were database availability check failures for database

    But when I run the this script the failure details are not captured i.e the fields DatabaseRedundancy &DatabaseAvailability are not available in the HTML report.

    Can you please help here?

  42. Yogesh

    Very Often I see the reports show “File Share Quorum” as “*FAILED*

    Is it something that It can not fetch into report?
    But then I manually run it after sometime and get all as passed.

  43. Yogesh

    Hi Paul,

    This is just great..
    I have two DAG in my exchange but I want a summary report of only one DAG.
    How can I do that? Can You guide me to changes required? I am a powershell beginner.

      1. Yogesh

        That’s Great.

        Still it tries to connect to other DAG Servers and displays error as ” unable to connect to Information Store service on Server1.*****.com”.

  44. kwaks

    is this download no longer available?
    I’m logged in, but unfortunately I’m not able to download this script. There is now download button or sth. else…

  45. Ben Stephenson

    Great Script thank-you Paul!!!!

    Just wanted to quickly share, I had the same issue a few had that on a SP1 and above 2010 Exchange server the database preference column had stopped working. To fix I needed to change the $mailboxserver attribute to return a title-case value rather than upper case as this is the format the “ActivationPreference” section now returned.

    Here was my hack to fix (not a script-guy so may be better ways to do it sorry):


    $mailboxserver = $dbcopy.MailboxServer
    Write-Verbose “Server: $mailboxserver”


    $mailboxserverupper = $dbcopy.MailboxServer
    $TextInfo = (Get-Culture).TextInfo
    $mailboxserver = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase($mailboxserverupper.ToLower())
    Write-Verbose “Server: $mailboxserver”

    All working properly now, thanks again for your hard work!


  46. Hector Alvarez

    Great script!
    Very useful, I use it to monitor a DAG that expands across 3 sites.
    I do have a quick question. I noticed that the script reports that one of the Exchange servers “DB Log replay keeping up” Failed.
    Now, I have setup database copies to that server to be lagged by 12 hours and I’m wondering if that is the reason for the “Failed” report or if it is an issue I need to look into it.
    Thank you

  47. Barry Sherman

    I am using the script and it works until I get to the send email switch. I am running the command as follows: .Get-DAGHealth.ps1 -Detailed -SendEmail

    When it gets to the sending email part I get the following error:
    Send-MailMessage : Service not available, closing transmission channel. The server response was: 4.3.2 Service not active

    Any ideas?? Otherwise, an AWESOME script!!

    1. Avatar photo
  48. Jason

    while trying to run your script i realized it is going to try and pull all DAGS in my forest which for my group that is around 50 or so of them, i only care about the ones i control, is there anyway to tell this script to look at one specific DAG or a group of dags that have the same general name?

    1. Avatar photo

      Modify the script line where it fetches the DAGs (using Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup).

      Or run Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 instead which has an ignorelist.txt file you can use to exclude servers, databases, or DAGs.

  49. Robert Eriksson


    Great script!!
    However I updated my servers to SP1 and now it doesn’t report like before.
    Preference is blank under “Database Availability Group DAG-SPL-01 Health Summary”. Activation Preference is blank under “Database Availability Group DAG-SPL-01 Health Details”. and not server names under “Database Availability Group DAG-SPL-01 Member Health”
    Known issue?

    Best regards

      1. Robert Eriksson


        We had one Archive-server left for upgrading to SP1 that I forgot. So I upgraded it tonight and now this morning the reports looks good again… so it seems to have resolved itself when all servers hade SP1… if that is logical?!

        Thank you!

  50. Cobus Faasen

    Hi Paul,

    I ran the Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 script, and the same thing happens. It generates the HTML file but the activation preference next to my 5th server is blank

  51. Tony. Pere

    Thanks Paul,
    The script works like a charm.

  52. Cobus Faasen

    Hi, please see output for the Get-MailboxDatabase | select name,activationpreference command

    Name : 1024-Normal Users (A-F)
    ActivationPreference : {[xxxxxx, 1], [xxxxxx, 2], [xxxxxx, 3], [xxxxxx, 4], [xxxxxx, 5]}

    Name : 1024-Normal Users (G-L)
    ActivationPreference : {[xxxxxx, 1], [xxxxxx, 2], [xxxxxx, 3], [xxxxxx, 4], [xxxxxx, 5]}

    Name : 1024-Generic Users
    ActivationPreference : {[xxxxxx, 1], [xxxxxx, 2], [xxxxxx, 3], [xxxxxx, 4], [xxxxxx, 5]}

    Name : 1024-VIP Users
    ActivationPreference : {[xxxxxx, 1], [xxxxxx, 2], [xxxxxx, 3], [xxxxxx, 4], [xxxxxx, 5]}

    Name : 1024-Normal Users (R-Z)
    ActivationPreference : {[xxxxxx, 1], [xxxxxx, 2], [xxxxxx, 3], [xxxxxx, 4], [xxxxxx, 5]}

    Name : 1024-Normal Users (M-Q)
    ActivationPreference : {[xxxxxx, 1], [xxxxxx, 2], [xxxxxx, 3], [xxxxxx, 4], [xxxxxx, 5]}

  53. Cobus Faasen

    Hi all, the script runs fine and I get an output in HTML. However it is not showing the activation preference for databases on one server at all.

    If I run the Get-MailboxDatabase | select name,activationpreference command it show the activation preference as 5 which is correct.

    However on the reports the field is just blank and does not show a value of 5

  54. Vincent


    Thanks for this script, look like very nice.

    Can i execute this script just for a specific DAG ?

    Cause i have many dag in my organisation with Domain contoller not open.
    So i have a lot of error.

    Thanks a lot for feedback

  55. Vinod

    the script is not accepting more than one email address, Paul can you please take a look?

      1. Vinod

        It is working fine now.

        Thanks for swift reply and great script as usual. 🙂

        thanks again

  56. Andi

    Is there a version with a parameter called DAGName ? We have about 12 DAG´s in the organization and i only need the health report from one of them…

      1. Andi

        Thanks for your fast reply !

        Does the Get-DAGHealth.ps1 script use the ignorelist.txt automatically when it is in the same folder ?
        Whats the syntax inside the ignorelist.txt ?

        1. Avatar photo

          Sorry, my bad, I thought we were talking about the Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 script that this DAG health check was rolled into a while ago.

          To be honest this Get-DAGHealth.ps1 script is lagging behind a bit on bug fixes and feature improvements, but it still works for most people.

          So in your case I’d just recommend modifying line 103

          $dags = @(Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup -Status)

          …so that it only grabs the DAG you’re interested in, eg

          $dags = @(Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup -Status YOURDAGNAME)

  57. mhd

    my dag seems healthy
    all mailboxdatabasescopysatus are healthy or mounted
    tet-replication health show everything passed
    but when i run this script it does not show me the passed status for mailbxo2
    i mean in the last table which it says about member health, mailbox2 cells are blank or n/a

    also when i run the script first it syas

    Windows Failover Clustering encountered a transient error. Trying the operation again may be successful. Error: ‘IsNodeClustered’.

    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (0:Int32) [Test-ReplicationHealth], ExClusTransientException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 2A256D90,Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.TestReplicationHealth

    Add-Member : Cannot bind argument to parameter ‘Name’ because it is null.
    At C:UsersmganjidaDesktopMailbox Scripts GanjiGet-DAGHealth.ps1:289 char:47
    + $memberObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name <<<< $($healthitem.Check) -Value $($healthitem.Result)
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Add-Member], ParameterBindingValidationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddMemberCommand

    and then it goes to end and completed
    can you please help me on this

    1. Arun

      @mhd, were you able to figure out the issue and get it resolved? Can you please provide some inputs? Even i’m getting the same problem.

  58. JackSeth

    Got working. I had to enter the servername. Works great now. Very usefull

  59. GC

    I don’t want to create a distribution group for 2 recipients… Has anyone been able to define multiple recipients on the To = line? Using “firstemailaddress”,”secondemaladdress” only sends to the second one specified…

    1. GC

      Nevermind… I was not being patient enough… Great Script Paul! Thank you.

  60. JackSeth

    I meant Paul, sorry for calling you Chris lol!!!

  61. JackSeth

    Hi Chris, Great script. I am getting an error. I am not getting output on the Health Summary and Health Details. I do get output on the Server Test-Replication Report

    You must provide a value for this property.
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (0:Int32) [Get-MailboxDatabase], DataValidationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CEA6502,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.GetMailboxDatabase
    + PSComputerName :

  62. chander

    Once Again Paul, Great work. Thank You for this and many other GREAT articles.

  63. Simon Craner

    Hi All,
    I am trying to run this in my environment, trick is we shared an org with anotehr company.
    we have our own dag, with trying to edit the script to only target my dag, i dont get full details under Health Summary or Health Details, all under member health is fine.

    Any ideas?

    1. Simon Craner

      got it to work, it still scans other servers in the org, but report is only my stuff, say yay.
      once again, thanks Paul for a great script. Going to use this as a daily task now.

  64. Bill Keran

    Feature Request and Question.
    Any Change of getting DB size included in this report?
    And, can the report be emailed as an attachment vs. embeded in the email?


    I think this is THE best script I have found!

  65. StatikD


    Don’t know how tough it would be to add, but I’m supporting a large enterprise environment, and I was wondering if a status indicator, or progress of the script could be added. I’ve been running the script for about 35-40 minutes….

    Of course, once I get an idea of how long this script would actually take to run, it might not be necessary, but for testing purposes, it would be a good indicator.

    Just a thought.



  66. Julian Stephan

    Hi Paul,

    Is there a way that we can run this report on multiple DAGs but possibly add an ignore line referencing a text file to not run on certain DAGs. We currently have 10 DAGs in our 2013 environment, but only 2 are in production so far with users.

    1. Avatar photo

      Look for the line in the script where Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup is run and modify that so it includes/excludes the DAGs you want. I’ll look at incorporating an “ignore” list into a future update.

  67. Matt

    Hey Paul,

    Does this work ok on 2013 CU1?

    We are doing a test migration from 2010 to 2013. I have created a new DB on the 2013 infrastructure and added it to a new 2013 DAG. In EAC, is is definately showing as healthy on both MBX servers and both servers are listed under ‘Servers with copies’, but when running the Get-DagHealth, it is reporting:

    VERBOSE: Retrieving Database Availability Groups
    VERBOSE: 1 DAGs found
    VERBOSE: —- Processing DAG DAGPREP1
    VERBOSE: 2 DAG members found
    VERBOSE: 0 DAG databases found

    1. Avatar photo
      1. Matt

        Hey Paul,

        It returns the database OK:

        Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | Where-Object {$_.MasterServerOrAvailabilityGroup -eq “DAGPREP1”}

        Name Server Recovery ReplicationType
        —- —— ——– —————
        DB-2013-1 EX2013-MBX2 False Remote

        1. Matt

          No worries Paul, thank you.

          Can you see my email address that I have entered when posting these comments?

          If so, feel free to email me directly if you want some information regarding the configuration to assist. It is pretty much a stock standard install, in coexistence with exchange 2010, a new database created on the 2013 MBX server and added into the new DAG that was created on the 2013 infrastructure.

        2. Matt

          Doh! I didn’t even think to try from the 2013 server.

          I have just moved the script to a 2013 CAS server and it ran fine – fully reports on the DAG and the database in the DAG. Thanks for that. #FlipDeskFriday

  68. Julian Stephan


    Is there a way to integrate if a DB is mounted on act. preference 2 to show which server it needs to be mounted on for act preference 1?

    Thank you,

  69. Jan


    cool script… One suggestion – what you also could check is percentage of free space on the repsective DB/log disks and drop a warning if it goes below some threshold. Last successfult backup date could also be useful.

    keep up the good work

  70. Chris

    Thanks for writing this script. I have run the script and it sends me an e-mail but there is no data (blank). Any ideas why? I also get the errors described above after running. Thanks.

      1. Chris

        This is the error…sorry about that.

        Update-TypeData : The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file:
        Microsoft.PowerShell, D:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14binexchange.types.ps1xml : File skipped because it was already present from “Microsoft.PowerShell”.
        At D:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14binRemoteExchange.ps1:94 char:17
        + Update-TypeData <<<< -PrependPath $typeFilePath
        + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Update-TypeData], RuntimeException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : TypesXmlUpdateException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.UpdateTypeDataCommand

        Update-TypeData : The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file:
        Microsoft.PowerShell, D:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14binExchange.partial.Types.ps1xml : File skipped b
        ecause it was already present from "Microsoft.PowerShell".
        Microsoft.PowerShell, D:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14binexchange.types.ps1xml : File skipped because it was already present from "Microsoft.PowerShell".
        At D:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14binRemoteExchange.ps1:104 char:16
        + Update-TypeData <<<< -PrependPath $partialTypeFile
        + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Update-TypeData], RuntimeException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : TypesXmlUpdateException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.UpdateTypeDataCommand

        1. Avatar photo

          You can just ignore those, they aren’t harmful to the running of the script.

          If you’re not getting any results try running the script with the -Verbose parameter and look through the output it produces.

  71. JD

    Excellent Script Paul…..But i would like to exclude few DBs in this report… How to do that ?

  72. Joel

    Excelente trabajo

  73. Maxim

    Great script!!!!

  74. ajk

    how to customize this script to run against one daggroup?

      1. ajk

        Thanks Paul

  75. Skye

    I have a proposal for a new feature / improvement;

    We have hundereds of databases, so the output spans several screens. This prevents us from easily spotting problems a a glance on a monitoring screen.

    Would be great to have a switch (say -failureonly) that lists only the ‘failures’ in the output from;

    Database Availability Group Health Details
    Database Availability Group Health Summary


  76. Skye

    Great script, I do get a warning when running it , but the output seems fine on first glance;

    WARNING: Unable to get Primary Active Manager information due to an Active
    Manager call failure. Error: An Active Manager operation failed. Error
    Operation failed with message: Error 0x6d1 (The procedure number is out of
    range) from cli_AmGetDeferredRecoveryEntries.

  77. Skye

    There is a bug in the script :

    Once the UPTIME counter reaches 1000+ hours, it shows ‘1’ in the HTML output.

    We only just noticed this, because of monthly security updates force reboots often, except recently.

      1. Skye

        No, the health check script, this one doesn’t do uptime 🙂

        Its this bit: [int]$uptime = “{0:N0}” -f $uptime

    1. Skye

      Woops, wrong forum, this bug is in the ‘health check’ script , not the DAG one.

  78. Stephen

    I am having an issue with the scheduled task when i run it nothing happens but if I run the script manually with the options I get the email. For the arguments this is what i have:
    -command “c:scriptsdaghealthget-daghealth.ps1 -Detailed -SendEmail”.
    Am i doing something wrong

      1. Stephen

        Ok i was trying to run it with a service account that has the password set to not expire but cannot log on locally to the server. It works with my domain admin account so I guess I will have to change the password on the task every month

        1. Avatar photo
        2. Stephen

          Ok will appreciate that. I tried running it with the local administrator account but it runs for several minutes without any output

        3. Avatar photo

          Local accounts certainly won’t work, it does need to be a domain account. From memory it needs at least Exchange View-Only Org rights (there’s an existing group for that) and I think I also needed it to be a member of the local administrators group on the management server I run it on, presumably due to some PowerShell requirement that I haven’t quite worked out.

  79. Brian

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for the script and Awesome work, challenge is when i execute is doens’t generate all the output on the email and i get the following errors on the Shell window;
    “You must provide a value for this property.
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (0:Int32) [Get-MailboxDatabase], DataValidationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 16C4924A,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.GetMailboxDatabase”

    This two sections are not populated on the email;
    “Database Availability Group SVDTDAG01 Health Summary:
    Database Mounted on Preference Total Copies Healthy Copies Unhealthy Copies Healthy Queues Unhealthy Queues Lagged Queues Healthy Indexes Unhealthy Indexes
    Database Availability Group SVDTDAG01 Health Details:
    Database Copy Database Name Mailbox Server Activation Preference Status Copy Queue Replay Queue Replay Lagged Truncation Lagged Content Index
    Database Availability Group SVDTDAG01 Member Health:”

    Kind Regards,

  80. Julien

    Very great job and wonderful script !

    Few questions :
    – When I do a detailed report, all the cells in the DAG Member Health array (last array) are yellow and there is “Transmis” inside. What does it mean ? (I’m on Exchange 2013 with CU1)
    – Do you plan to make Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 & Get-DailyBackupAlerts.ps1 Exchange 2013 compatible ? (It would be great 🙂

    1. Avatar photo

      The first problem sounds like a non-English language server. I have an idea how to make that easier to deal with but for now you’d need to just look at the HTML generating sections of the script and possibly replace English words like “Success” and “Passed” to your language’s word.

      Yes, I plan to test and update all the scripts for Exchange 2013 as time permits.

      1. Julien

        Thanks a lot, that was it !

  81. Gilberth

    Hello Paul this is a great script I have only one question, how I can have the report sent by email when autentication is required ?

    1. Avatar photo
  82. Avatar photo

    Version 1.1 of Get-DAGHealth.ps1 is now available for download via the link in the article above.

    Thanks to those who have provided bug reports and feedback so far. I appreciate your help making this script accurate and useful.

    1. Tabish Mohmad

      Hi Paul,

      Amazing script!

      Thanks a lot.

  83. Andrew


    Great script thanks Paul 🙂 I have setup scheduled tasks on your other ones and they send fine to multiple people, but with the DAG health one it seems to only send to the first person in the list. Is there need to do something slightly differenet with this script?


      1. John Rambosality

        Hi paul,

        i have tried this format:
        To = “”,”” in xml file,

        but still not work if we send to multiple mailbox. pls help 🙂

  84. Mahmoud

    Thanks Paul for your helpful Script,

    Regarding to the Preference Tap refer to what ?

      1. Mahmoud

        Thanks Paul for yor reply,

        I get the following results;

        Database Mounted on Preference
        DB1 HO-MCH-01 1
        DB2 HO-MCH-02 3
        DB3 HO-MCH-03 3

        the fisrt one DB1 prefernce colored with green and the others DB2 & DB3 colored with yellow, could you please explain what this colores mean?

        1. Mahmoud

          thanks for your quick reply , but DB1 that have the green result it’s preference number =1 is this mean that DB1 have one activation Preference for the DB1 copy?

        2. Avatar photo

          If the activate database copy is the one with the preference of 1 then the result is Green. If the active database copy is one with a higher preference then the result is Yellow to draw your attention to a possible issue.

        3. Mahmoud

          Thanks a lot for your explain, i appreciate your Effort Paul you are my teacher 🙂

        4. Mahmoud

          Sorry Paul, so what’s the possible issue or how can i check about this issue in the yellow color

        5. Avatar photo
        6. Mahmoud

          Thank you very much, yes the warning in the preference, so i need to switchover to the best copy of DB.

  85. TonyH

    Thanks Paul. It’s come just at the right time for us as we’ve just finished test our new DAG implementation and will be started the DB copies next week. I’ve run it on the test DBs we have in place and all is good so far!

  86. Sorin

    OK, thanks a lot. drop me an email if you need help with testing.

  87. Sorin

    Hi Paul,

    Did someone reported that Activation Preference information is not shown in the report. This is happening in my case. Otherwise the script return valuable info.

    Here is part of output when using “-verbose”:
    VERBOSE: Retrieving Database Availability Groups
    VERBOSE: 2 DAGs found
    VERBOSE: —- Processing DAG xxxx
    VERBOSE: x DAG members found
    VERBOSE: xx DAG databases found
    VERBOSE: —- Processing database xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    VERBOSE: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx has 3 copies
    VERBOSE: Database Copy: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    VERBOSE: Server: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    VERBOSE: Activation Preference:
    VERBOSE: Status: Healthy
    VERBOSE: Copy Queue: 0
    VERBOSE: Replay Queue: 1
    VERBOSE: Content Index: Healthy
    VERBOSE: Database Copy: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    VERBOSE: Server: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    VERBOSE: Activation Preference:
    VERBOSE: Status: Healthy
    VERBOSE: Copy Queue: 0
    VERBOSE: Replay Queue: 1
    VERBOSE: Content Index: Healthy
    VERBOSE: Database Copy: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    VERBOSE: Server: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    VERBOSE: Activation Preference:
    VERBOSE: Status: Mounted
    VERBOSE: Copy Queue: 0
    VERBOSE: Replay Queue: 0

    Thanks a lot.

    1. Avatar photo

      Interesting. Maybe a permissions issue? Using the same credentials can you run this command and tell me whether you see the list of servers and their preferences in the output?

      Get-MailboxDatabase | select name,activationpreference

      1. Sorin

        permissions are fine. Running Get-MailboxDatabase | select name,activationpreference returns correct information:
        Name ActivationPreference
        —- ——————–
        DB1 {[xxxxxxxxxxxx, 1], [xxxxxxxxxxxx, 2], [xxxxxxxxxxxx, 3]}
        DB2 {[xxxxxxxxxxxx, 1], [xxxxxxxxxxxx, 2], [xxxxxxxxxxxx, 3]}
        DB3 {[xxxxxxxxxxxx, 1], [xxxxxxxxxxxx, 2], [xxxxxxxxxxxx, 3]}

  88. Manoj Vijaykumar

    Awesome script Paul. Really love the report. These colored reports definitely help with the management too. Keep up the great work.

  89. Alex Logan

    Hi Paul, fantastic script. I just noticed however that after some recent server patching, that I’m getting some false-positves in the HTML output. “Healthy Queues” are all red, but with a value of zero, even though my queues are fine. “Truncation Lagged” and “Content Index” columns are all blank. Any ideas? I’m running 2010 SP2 RU3.

    Thanks again!


      1. Alex Logan

        Hi Paul…clean output with the verbose switch so not sure why “Healthy Queues” is listed as “0” and is highlighted red. It was working fine prior to server patches…weird. Any other ideas?


      2. Alex Logan

        Hi Paul, FYI it was windows patches…

        1. Avatar photo

          Can you ID the list of patches you installed on the date it stopped working, and either send them to me or paste them here? I let my lab servers automatically install updates and I’ve not run into this issue myself.

        2. Julian

          I am having the same issue on new servers running Exchange 2013 CU1 – Windows 2012.

        3. Julian

          Well it’s definitely the same symptoms. Thanks for the script , I will try to troubleshoot when I find some time.

        4. Avatar photo

          I get the same issue on WS2012.

          @Alex – I’m thinking this may actually be a PowerShell v3 issue of some kind. Did your servers get updated with the Windows Management Framework 3.0 when the problem started?

  90. Obi

    Great script, worked like a charm. I got the same error that other reported after the initial run, but none afterwards. Great way to keep track of those pesky “failed” indexes

  91. Sankar N

    Thanks you very much for sharing this Awesome script!!…

    can you add few other command to this script like
    1) Get-Counter “MSExchange RpcclientaccessUser count”
    2) Get-Counter “MSExchange owaCurrent Unique Users”
    from this command we can monitor that no.of user connection has shared equally among CAS servers.

  92. Dustin

    Awesome script!! Thank you very much!!

  93. Shane Bryan

    Thanks for the great script Paul. I’ve got it running twice a day, sending an email to our shared IT Team mailbox.

    Top work 🙂

  94. Javier A

    Thanks, It works great on my environment
    There´s something Im not sure what it means..

    In the Member Health table from one of my DAGs (got 4) shows “N/A” in the following columns

    DB Copy Suspended
    DB Initializing
    DB Disconnected
    DB Log Copy Keeping Up
    DB Log Replay Keeping Up

    All the other columns in the same table shows “Passed”

    Any idea?

    1. Avatar photo
  95. Keith K.

    This script is awesome Paul!
    How often do you recommend running this script. Is it safe to run it maybe every hour or once a twice a day? Just want to make sure that it’s not putting any kind of load on my servers. 🙂

  96. David

    Great script, Paul. I added a check for Incremental and Full backups to the “Detailed” switch in your script, but I’m having problems comparing the date to a variable. Any thoughts on what I can do? I can send you the whole script if you want to see how it’s pulled in.

    $incrPass = ((Get-Date).AddDays(-1)).ToString(“yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”)
    $incrWarn = ((Get-Date).AddDays(-4)).ToString(“yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”)

    #Warn if Incremental backups have not run recently
    If ($(line.”Last Incremental Backup”).ToString -lt $incrPass)
    $htmltablerow = $htmltablerow + “$($line.”Last Incremental Backup”)”
    Elseif ($(line.”Last Incremental Backup”).ToString -lt $incrWarn)
    $htmltablerow = $htmltablerow + “$($line.”Last Incremental Backup”)”

    1. Avatar photo
      1. David

        Sounds good, I’ll check it out. Thanks.

      2. David

        Just to follow up, I looked at your code and then back at mine when I realized I was missing a “$” in my “($(line.”Last Incremental backup”)” section. I looks like it all works now. I can send you the change if you want to give it a shot. If not, no worries.

        Thanks again, and keep the scripts coming! 🙂

  97. Arras

    Works Perfect!
    Q: On the Health Summary table, Column Preference, it shows 1 Green and the rest of the DB’s 2 Yellow. What does the Yellow represents?

    Database Mounted on Preference
    DB01 SecondServer 1
    DB02 FirstServer 2
    DB03 SecondServer 2
    DB04 FirstServer 2
    DB05 SecondServer 2
    DB06 FirstServer 2
    DB07 SecondServer 2
    DB08 FirstServer 2
    DBTest SecondServer 2

  98. Carsten

    Great script!

    Is there a way to modify it so that it only sends an email if the script turns up a red flag? That would be really useful.

    1. Avatar photo

      Well, it is PowerShell so of course it can be modified to do anything you like 🙂

      But consider that the script also checks for a lot of “warning” conditions that aren’t necessarily an error or serious fault but may be something that the administrator wants to be aware of.

  99. Kirill

    Thank you, script is very useful, I testing in my enviroment, and have some questions.

    When i get report on mail, some word looks like ????? for example curent date and PASSED for member health, in yellow bars i see ?????

    I am using russian 2008 r2 and Exchange 2010, where i must fix code page ? Please help.

    Anyway thanks, script realy helps monitor DAG Group

    1. Avatar photo
  100. Stephan Versluis

    Thanks Paul!
    Great script once again 🙂


  101. Diego

    Great script. I missed only the sort function in line 162 for a optimized view (for the case that the server have different names).

    $tmpservers = @(Get-ExchangeServer) |sort

  102. Robert Coggins

    I am having a hard time getting this to run as a scheduled job where “Run whether user is logged on or not” is selected. It runs just fine with the “Run only when user is logged on”.

    When redirecting output I get:
    VERBOSE: Connecting to myserv1.domain
    VERBOSE: Connecting to myserv1.domain
    VERBOSE: Connecting to myserv1.domain
    VERBOSE: Connecting to myserv1.domain
    Failed to connect to an Exchange server in the current site.

    Any ideas?

      1. Robert Coggins

        I am checking it.

        1. Robert Coggins

          Sorry that is not very clear. Yes, it is checked.

        2. Avatar photo

          Could it be the credentials you’re using do not have the required rights? I’ll admit I haven’t put any thought yet into a nice RBAC role for this script and I just run it with a full Org Admin in my test lab for now. I’m wondering if you’re accidentally running it as the local admin on the server or something like that?

        3. Robert Coggins

          First I gave only view only org manager rights but then I gave full Org Man rights. And the script runs as the user when logged in as the user or if I select “Run only when user is logged on”. I will play with it more and will update if I find something.

  103. John Bruijntjes

    Thanks for the effort Paul!

  104. Oleg A

    Super! Very usefull and great script. Thank you very much.

    Little bug report:
    1. I’m also get Update-TypeData error ( ) on first run of script as Alex C.
    2. Because of Russian date and time formats on server I get email with question marks instead of month name.
    So I added -Encoding parameter to Send-MailMessage commandlet and month name now in russian like it should. Now my command looks like this:
    Send-MailMessage @smtpsettings -Body $htmlreport -BodyAsHtml -Encoding ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8)

    Thanks again.
    Best regards,

    1. Kusado

      I’ve just added one line in the if ($SendEmail) block:
      $encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
      No need to add more paramaters to command line.
      Also added more options to switch operators to support russian translation, they now look like
      Switch ($($line.TCPListener))
      $null { $htmltablerow = $htmltablerow + “$($line.TCPListener)” }
      “Passed” { $htmltablerow = $htmltablerow + “$($line.TCPListener)” }
      “Проверка пройдена” { $htmltablerow = $htmltablerow + “$($line.TCPListener)” }
      default { $htmltablerow = $htmltablerow + “$($line.TCPListener)” }

      1. Kusado

        + “-Encoding $encoding” after send-emailmessage

  105. Scott Brown

    Hi Paul,

    I am getting the below error when trying to run the script. My be a user error but just wondering if you can help?

    [PS] C:Install.set>.Get-DAGHealth.ps1
    The ‘<' operator is reserved for future use.
    At C:Install.setGet-DAGHealth.ps1:109 char:51
    + $summaryintro = "Database Availability Group < <<<$($dag.Name) Health Summary:”
    + CategoryInfo : ParserError: (<:OperatorToken) [], ParseException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RedirectionNotSupported

    1. Scott Brown

      All good find the error. It was a user error in the email address…

  106. Shane Bryan

    Just ran it, worked perfectly first time. Scheduled task is in place to run it a few times per day. Not quite at the point where I can sit on the beach 8 hours a day, but getting close thanks to Paul :-p

  107. Ed

    Who needs expensive monitoring software when you got great scripts like this.

    Thanks Paul, great work mate.


  108. Dan

    Thanks awesome script
    very helpful

  109. ram

    Hi Paul

    This script is really awesome and am huge fan of you

    Only one Flow which i found is , if the DB is moved or failover from one server to another server

    can it be show like

    DBName on server2 should be on Server1

    what am trying tell is DB is server1 , due to some N/w issue and the DB was moved and sitting on Server 2

    can this report show like DBName on server2 should be on Server1

    or am i missing the information in this report.

    1. Avatar photo

      The script doesn’t attempt to diagnose in detail or recommend a specific action be taken. It is intended to present you enough details of possible issues so that you can make decisions about how to remediate problems.

      So in the case of databases not being on their activation preference 1 server, the script flags that in the summary table, and then in the details table it also tells you which server is AP1 for that DB (but you can easily see that in EMC anyway). So then its up to you whether the DB should be moved or not.

  110. Mykul

    Awesome script Paul.


  111. Alex C

    Thank you very much, Paul, for sharing your work! Awesome! 🙂
    For your information, and I guess you already know, when running the script, the following errors are displayed, though the script is executing perfectly.

    Update-TypeData : The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file:
    Microsoft.PowerShell, D:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14binexchange.types.ps1xml : File skipped because it was already present from “Microsoft.PowerShell”.

    Update-TypeData : The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file:
    Microsoft.PowerShell, D:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14binExchange.partial.Types.ps1xml : File skipped because it was already present from “Microsoft.PowerShell”.

    I was running the script in a normal EMS session.
    Thanks again!

  112. wasim

    Thanks paul

    great script….

  113. Patrick Dunnigan

    I’m trying to run the DAG Heath Report on the same server I have your previous Health Check report running. When I run the Dag Report, Powershell gives me the following errors, any ideas?

    Update-TypeData : The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file:
    Microsoft.PowerShell, C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14binexchange.types.ps1xml : File skipped because i
    t was already present from “Microsoft.PowerShell”.
    At C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14binRemoteExchange.ps1:94 char:17
    + Update-TypeData <<<< -PrependPath $typeFilePath
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Update-TypeData], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : TypesXmlUpdateException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.UpdateTypeDataCommand

    Update-TypeData : The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file:
    Microsoft.PowerShell, C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14binExchange.partial.Types.ps1xml : File skipped b
    ecause it was already present from "Microsoft.PowerShell".
    Microsoft.PowerShell, C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14binexchange.types.ps1xml : File skipped because i
    t was already present from "Microsoft.PowerShell".
    At C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14binRemoteExchange.ps1:104 char:16
    + Update-TypeData <<<< -PrependPath $partialTypeFile
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Update-TypeData], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : TypesXmlUpdateException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.UpdateTypeDataCommand

    1. Avatar photo

      Thanks. I believe that is a harmless bug during the script initialization that can be ignored, but let me know if you’re also not getting any results at all from the script when it finishes. In the mean time I’ll try to squash that bug.

      1. Patrick

        It seems to be working fine, great script.

  114. Shane Bryan

    Whoah, can’t wait to give this a run tomorrow 🙂

  115. Hein

    Up and running. So far works just fine. Nice work Paul! No flaws detected yet.

  116. Sam


    Thanks Paul, Another great script

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