Exchange Server expert Steve Goodman has released a free PowerShell script that can be used to create a HTML report of your Exchange environment. You can find the script available to download here.

How to Generate a HTML Report of Your Exchange 2010 Environment

That picture above is the output of the script when I ran it against one of my test lab environments. This is really useful information, the kind of basic details like “How many mailboxes are there?” that Exchange admins get asked all the time by different IT teams and non-technical people.

I can definitely see myself adapting this script for use in our production environments, and having it run on a schedule with the HTML file published to an intranet location for the right people to look at whenever they like.

If you have any questions or comments about the script I’m sure Steve would love to hear them.


About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for


  1. Nimesh

    what permission required to fetch exchange health check report if in case I want daily basis report over email, I tried configuring with view only Organization Management role but report generating with half of the details like dag name, member count and member servers, rest of details are blank.

  2. Juan Narvaez

    Hi Paul, I need some help .

    If I run this reports , it consumes up 25GB on my server, then it fails. Any ideas? Who should I Contact.-

  3. Nick

    Hi Steve, I like to check how can I adjust the script to flag as red if database size falls below 20%?

  4. Matt

    Love this! Thank you so much.

  5. toto35

    Steve Goodman web site seem to be dead, can you send me the Exchange 2010 Environment report script ?

  6. Pradeep K

    I am running this report for my Exchange 2007 environment and its running fine. I am trying to include the Incremental backup as well with full backup and its not generating the report for Incremental backup. Incremental backup column is coming blank.

  7. KFIR

    is this script work with EXCH 2007 allso?

      1. kantharao

        Please help me how export the all exchange server health performance

        1. mehrdad

          tanx fo you

      2. Donny Forbes

        Steve I have downloaded this script and it seems to be working. I do have a question tho. I just recently migrated from exchange 2007 – > 2013 and it 2007 the script would show all users mailboxes information size and when they would not be able to send / receive etc in an HTML report. I have notice that this script does not do that. Can you assist me with this?

        1. Avatar photo
          Paul Cunningham

          If you have questions for Steve please ask him directly on his blog.

  8. Devang Patel


    Sorry but it works and completed successfully.

    i just copied the report.html file on desktop and open it and shows the complete report.

    This is really awsome sttuff and really appreciate the task done by you people.


  9. Devang Patel


    I have tried to run this script with command .Get-ExchangeEnvironmentreport.ps1 -HTMLReport .report.html

    The Command runs successfully and report.html file is also created but once the command gets completed report.html file is not opened automatically in browser.

    report.html file is created but when i tried to open it manually than also it not works, if i tried to edit it it shows nothing in it.

    i have one CAS/HUB, and two MBX server with one forest and domain.


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