Dealing with Dates and Time Zones

Microsoft announced the Retirement of Exchange Web Services in Exchange Online a while ago. That means vendors and any scripts or applications you have written should be reviewed and rewritten to use Microsoft Graph.

One of the little things that can bite you are dates and times.

The Issue with Dates

I was involved in a project where an existing application was rewritten to utilize Microsoft Graph instead of Exchange Web Services. One of the features was related to tasks. Microsoft Graph supports tasks with the To Do API.

The problem the project team faced was that the time format used was never converted to the users’ respective time zones. As a result, all the date and time stamps, for example, dueDateTime, were wrong.

Why Does This Happen?

When using Exchange Web Services, the API establishes a connection to the mailbox. This allows several pieces of information, like time zone settings, to be known. The EWS API converts the given date-time values from UTC into the respective time zone of the mailbox and uses the converted value for creation.

Microsoft Graph does not include this functionality, which means that developers must pay more attention to date and time values in their programs and scripts during the transition from EWS to the Graph APIs.

How the Graph Handles DateTime Values

Microsoft Graph uses the ISO 8601 format for dateTime values, and if no time zone information is given in the request, UTC is assumed.

When you look at the properties dateTimeTimeZone resource type provides, you see two properties. While dateTime is required, timeZone is an optional property.

Finding Date and Time Zone Settings

There are multiple ways to ensure that correct time stamps are in place. One is to use the timeZone set on the mailbox.

Because Microsoft Graph is stateless, you must query the mailbox to fetch the property. You can retrieve the mailbox’s timeZone via the /mailboxSettings endpoint:

Get user mailbox settings

Figure 1 shows how to connect to Microsoft Graph with the required scopes and store the settings in a variable:

Figure 1: Connect to MS Graph and store timeZone info
Figure 1: Connect to MS Graph and store timeZone info

Code used:

# connect to Microsoft Graph
Connect-MgGraph -ContextScope process -Scopes MailboxSettings.Read,Tasks.ReadWrite -NoWelcome

# retrieve users' time zone
$mailboxTimeZone = Get-MgUserMailboxSetting -UserId <user’s UPN> -Property TimeZone

Now that we know the users’ time zone, we can use this information to create a request with the following code:

# create the details of the task
$details = @{
    title = 'Practical 365'
    dueDateTime = @{
        dateTime = '2024-11-15T17:00:00';
        timeZone = $mailboxTimeZone.TimeZone
    importance = 'high'

# build parameters for cmdlet
$paramsNewTask = @{
    UserId = ''
    BodyParameter = $details
    TodoTaskListId = 'Tasks'

# create the task
$task = New-MgUserTodoListTask @paramsNewTask

Figure 2 shows the task created. You can see that the dueDateTime property is adjusted. I created this task from a machine with a UTC+1 time zone, while the target time zone is UTC-8: 9 hours difference!

Figure 2: The created task and the different DateTime values
Figure 2: The created task and the different DateTime values

Another way is to convert the value using the .NET System.TimeZoneInfo. The following code will convert the given time stamp ‘2024-04-17T17:00:00‘ into the mailbox’s configured time zone ‘Pacific Standard Time‘:

[System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTime(([System.DateTime]::Parse('2024-04-17T17:00:00')), [System.TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById('Pacific Standard Time'))

Figure 3 shows the same result as in our previous example:

Figure 3: Convert time stamp using .NET System.TimeZoneInfo method
Figure 3: Convert time stamp using .NET System.TimeZoneInfo method

Be Careful!

With both methods, you should ensure that the timestamp is in the proper format and that the timeZone property is used. The following examples show why:

ISO 8601 allows you to define UtcOffSet (either Z or +hh:mm or -hh:mm). When you do this, conversion takes place 2 times. Figure 4 shows this:

Figure 4: Wrong Time Result
Figure 4: Wrong Time Result

This is crucial to know. Also, .NET uses the machine’s time zone settings for any conversion. Ensure you have the correct settings in place and proper testing before using it in production!


Dealing with date and time values can be very tricky and confusing. Inside Microsoft 365, dates and times are important to many applications, so this topic is very important to keep an eye on.

At this point, I want to emphasize that before EWS is retired, Microsoft will retire EWS ApplicationImpersonation very soon: February 2025! My Practical 365 article explains how to migrate to Exchange Online RBAC.

About the Author

Ingo Gegenwarth

Ingo Gegenwarth is a Technical Consultant at a market-leading organization for enterprise application software. In his role, he is responsible for the Exchange infrastructure as well as Office 365. In 2003, he earned his first MCSE 2000, and since then he's earned Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) and Microsoft Certified Solutions Master (MCSM).


  1. Ingo

    Hi Tomas,
    Unfortunately, this option is one of the many missing features in Microsoft Graph. I can tell you that we (MVPs, partners, and large customers) give the PG strong feedback about this list!

  2. Tomas Valenta

    Hello Ingo, thank you for the article.
    With the upcoming end of EWS access I’m facing one specific challenge and I’m wondering if you might have any tips. I’m using EWS to store existing EML files into a mailbox (archiving) simply by setting MimeContent of Data.EmailMessage and calling Save. As far as I know, this is not possible with Graph API (it can only created new email messages, not import existing ones with all headers). Do you know about a feature in Graph API or any other way, that would allow this?
    Thank you for your help.

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