I was doing a little cleanup of the C: drive on a server that was unfortunately created with too small a volume size.  One of the things I deleted was all of the files and subfolders in the Temp folder of my user profile.  A few minutes later I launched the System Center Essentials 2007 console and was greeted with this error.


Could not find a part of the path “C:Documents and SettingsusernameLocal SettingsTemp2

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for Practical365.com.


  1. Steve Shockley

    The “2” folder was created because you’re logged in via RDP. Each session gets its own temp dir so they don’t step on each other.

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