After you’ve prepared a Windows Server with the Exchange Server 2016 pre-requisites you can proceed with the installation of Exchange Server itself.

In this tutorial we’ll cover:

  • Preparing Active Directory for Exchange Server 2016 installation
  • Installing the Exchange Server 2016 Mailbox server role on a new server

Before you start there are a few things to be aware of:

  • Installing Exchange Server 2016 requires an Active Directory schema update. We’ll look at that in more detail shortly.
  • Aside from the schema update installing Exchange Server 2016 makes other irreversible changes to your Active Directory forest. If you’ve never backed up your Active Directory, or you’ve never heard of a forest recovery, here’s some reading for you.
  • If you’re installing Exchange into the forest for the first time you will be choosing an organization name. The Exchange organization can’t be renamed at a later date, so choose a name you’re happy with keeping forever.

Preparing Active Directory

A new installation of Exchange Server 2016 involves applying an Active Directory schema update, as do most Exchange Server cumulative updates, as well as preparing the Active Directory domains where Exchange Server 2016 and any mail-enabled objects will be located. In an Active Directory forest with a single domain this can all be performed as one task.

The Active Directory schema update will automatically apply when you run Exchange Server 2016 setup on the first server in your environment. A Windows Server 2012 R2 server with the Exchange Server 2016 Mailbox server role pre-requisites installed doesn’t quite meet the requirements (you’ll need to add the RSAT-ADDS feature as shown below). A domain controller will have RSAT-ADDS installed already, but may also need the .NET Framework version shown below to be installed first.

Whether you’re running the schema update from an Exchange server or a separate server (some organizations do it as a separate task due to change control reasons, or because of different teams having different administrative responsibilities in the environment) then the following requirements apply:

C:\> Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADDS
  • The forest functional level must be at least Windows Server 2008
  • The account used to run the schema update and Active Directory preparation must be a member of Enterprise Admins and Schema Admins. These are high privilege groups I recommend you plan to remove your account from the groups when you’re done with this task. Note, if you’ve just added yourself to these groups you’ll need to log out and back in to the server for the new group membership to take effect.
  • The server you’re running the schema update from must be located in the same Active Directory site as the Schema Master. You can identify your Schema Master by running my Get-ADInfo.ps1 script, or by using the Get-ADForest PowerShell cmdlet.
PS C:\> (Get-ADForest).SchemaMaster

Now we’re ready to run the Active Directory schema update and and preparation.

If you’ve already got Exchange Server running in your environment you can check the current Exchange schema version before applying the update, so that you can see what the before and after version numbers are.

In PowerShell run the following one-liner created by Exchange Server MVP Michael B Smith:

PS C:\> "Exchange Schema Version = " + ([ADSI]("LDAP://CN=ms-Exch-Schema-Version-Pt," + ([ADSI]"LDAP://RootDSE").schemaNamingContext)).rangeUpper
Exchange Schema Version =

Note, in my example above there is no existing Exchange server installed, hence no Exchange schema version to report.

Extract the Exchange Server 2016 setup files into a folder, open a command prompt window, and then navigate to the location where the Exchange setup files were extracted.

To apply only the schema update run the following command:

C:\Admin\ex2016>setup /PrepareSchema /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms

Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Unattended Setup
Copying Files...
File copy complete.
Setup will now collect additional information needed for

Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check

    Prerequisite Analysis                                     COMPLETED

Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server

    Extending Active Directory schema                         COMPLETED

The Exchange Server setup operation completed successfully.

After applying the schema update we can check the version number again.

PS C:\> "Exchange Schema Version = " + ([ADSI]("LDAP://CN=ms-Exch-Schema-Version-Pt," + ([ADSI]"LDAP://RootDSE").schemaNamingContext)).rangeUpper
Exchange Schema Version = 15317

To prepare Active Directory run one of the following commands. Note this will also apply the schema update if you did not perform that step already.

If you do not already have an Exchange organization you’ll need to provide a name for the organization now, for example:

C:\Admin\ex2016>setup /PrepareAD /OrganizationName:"Exchange Lab" /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms

If you’re installing Exchange Server 2016 into an existing Exchange organization you do not need to specify the organization name, for example:

C:\Admin\ex2016>setup /PrepareAD /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms

Remember, you can’t change the Exchange organization name later, so choose a name you’ll be happy to live with forever. Also, after installing Exchange Server 2016 as a new organization you will not be able to install any earlier versions of Exchange into the same organization.

C:\Admin\ex2016>setup /PrepareAD /OrganizationName:"Exchange Lab" /IAcceptExchan

Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Unattended Setup
Copying Files...
File copy complete.
Setup will now collect additional information needed for

Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check

    Prerequisite Analysis                                     COMPLETED
 Setup will prepare the organization for Exchange Server 2016 by using 'Setup /P
repareAD'. No Exchange Server 2007 roles have been detected in this topology. Af
ter this operation, you will not be able to install any Exchange Server 2007 rol
 For more information, visit:

 Setup will prepare the organization for Exchange Server 2016 by using 'Setup /P
repareAD'. No Exchange Server 2010 roles have been detected in this topology. Af
ter this operation, you will not be able to install any Exchange Server 2010 rol
 For more information, visit:

Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server

    Organization Preparation                                  COMPLETED

The Exchange Server setup operation completed successfully.

If you have additional domains in your forest that you need to prepare (any domain that will host an Exchange server or mail-enabled objects) follow the guidance on TechNet here.

Installing the Exchange Server 2016 Mailbox Server Role

The Mailbox server role contains all of the components required to run an Exchange Server 2016 server. There is also an Edge Transport role, but that is not a mandatory role and is not covered in this tutorial.

After installing the Exchange Server 2016 pre-requisites on a server you can install the Exchange Server 2016 Mailbox server role by running the following command from an elevated command prompt.

C:\Admin\ex2016>setup /Mode:Install /Role:Mailbox /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms

Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Unattended Setup
Copying Files...
File copy complete.
Setup will now collect additional information needed for

Management tools
Mailbox role: Transport service
Mailbox role: Client Access service
Mailbox role: Unified Messaging service
Mailbox role: Mailbox service
Mailbox role: Front End Transport service
Mailbox role: Client Access Front End service

Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check

    Configuring Prerequisites                                 COMPLETED
    Prerequisite Analysis                                     COMPLETED

Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server

    Preparing Setup                                           COMPLETED
    Stopping Services                                         COMPLETED
    Copying Exchange Files                                    COMPLETED
    Language Files                                            COMPLETED
    Restoring Services                                        COMPLETED
    Language Configuration                                    COMPLETED
    Exchange Management Tools                                 COMPLETED
    Mailbox role: Transport service                           COMPLETED
    Mailbox role: Client Access service                       COMPLETED
    Mailbox role: Unified Messaging service                   COMPLETED
    Mailbox role: Mailbox service                             COMPLETED
    Mailbox role: Front End Transport service                 COMPLETED
    Mailbox role: Client Access Front End service             COMPLETED
    Finalizing Setup                                          COMPLETED

The Exchange Server setup operation completed successfully.
Setup has made changes to operating system settings that require a reboot to
take effect. Please reboot this server prior to placing it into production.

Next Steps

After setup has completed restart the server before you continue with configuring Exchange Server 2016.

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for


  1. Placide M

    Dear Exchange users,

    I have installed exchange 2013 and changed the installation location (I created a folder named EXCH13 under V15 folder) now I can find ECP or OWA for configurations . please help


  2. Dave

    Late to the game. I have now tried for 5 days to install 2016 into my domain. Running on a 2016 server. No matter what I do, I get error that the account is not a member of Schema or Enterprise admins group. They are. I even created a “exchangeadmin” account and put account into Schema, Domain Admins, and Enterprise groups but I still get the same error. Not a member…. I am totally confused. Small domain at my home 2008R2 forest and domain. I also have a 2016 DC as FSMO holder. I have tried to update schema from the 2016 schema master holder server server (DC), same message. If I try unassisted install, same message, running GUI install, same message. Has anyone overcome this? I have tried everything I have found on web with no luck. Thanks in advance!

  3. scott


    Great article. I am walking into an office with nothing and it has only 1 server with Win2016 on it. Need to install Exchange 2016 so that it only does internal email, no incoming or outgoing to the internet. Can this be done on just 1 box?

    We are setting it up from scratch so no previous AD or Exchange to connect to or worry about. Only DNS & DHCP is coming from our ISP. I literally have the initial setup screens up as I am reading this article and downloading dotnet to get over the pre-reqs.

  4. Ali Ashraf

    Hi Paul,
    In exchange 2016 can I use single namespace in bound model?
    I have two data centers connected with each other having separate AD sites and each has its own DAG. Can i use single external namespace load balanced across both data centers using round robin?

  5. stedey yang

    install exchange 2016 cu11 on windows server 2016 failed.

    Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server

    Preparing Setup COMPLETED
    Stopping Services COMPLETED
    Copying Exchange Files COMPLETED
    Language Files COMPLETED
    Restoring Services COMPLETED
    Language Configuration COMPLETED
    Mailbox role: Transport service FAILED

    The following error was generated when “$error.Clear();
    $dllFile = join-path $RoleInstallPath
    $regsvr = join-path (join-path $env:SystemRoot system32) regsvr32.exe;

    start-SetupProcess -Name:”$regsvr” -Args:”/s `”$dllFile`”” -Timeout:120000;
    ” was run:
    “Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Process execution failed with exit code 3.

    1. Mrr0z

      I have same issue when upgrade CU11 to CU12. Any update?

  6. William Dickinson

    Thanks so much for the run though.

  7. Ram

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for sharing a lot of material and notes on EX 2016. I have a lab setup at home running EX2016CU10. So far everything is working fine with Public Cert.

    Just want to find out, if it is possible to configure multi domain within single Exchange 2016. Here is my lab setup.

    DC with AD on
    Exchange Cert –
    Exchange 2016 fully configured
    GoDaddy MX and A record done
    Remote Connectivity Analyzer checked – all GREEN

    I want to include another authoritative domain into exchange which will be called I have this domain at GoDaddy.

    What configuration, I need to perform on the exchange side to send and receive email for both the domains ( + ?

    Appreciate your help on the above.

  8. Reggie Burgess

    Getting these errors cannot figure out why?

    Global updates need to be made to Active Directory, and this user account isn’t a member of the ‘Enterprise Admins’group.
    The local domain needs to be updated. You must be a member of the ‘Domain Admins’ group and ‘Organization Management’role group, or ‘Enterprise Admins’ group to continue.
    Setup encountered a problem while validating the state of Active Directory: Couldn’t find the Enterprise Organization container. See the Exchange setup log for more information on this error.
    The forest functional level of the current Active Directory forest is not Windows Server 2003 native or later. To install Exchange Server 2016, the forest functional level must be at least Windows Server 2003 native.
    Either Active Directory doesn’t exist, or it can’t be contacted.
    The Exchange Server setup operation didn’t complete. More details can be found in ExchangeSetup.log located in the
    :\ExchangeSetupLogs folder.

    Now the account that I’m using is a member of the Domain Admin Group, Enterprise Admin Group, Schema group etc….

    There was a previous Exchange Server on the network but that server crashed and burned completely and figuratively

  9. Rae

    Hi paul,

    I’ve successfully installed exchange server using your tutorials you provide. I have a question in pre installation. Is there a way I can specify the Mailbox DB to configure before installing? I mean, after installing Exchange, I dont want to use the default Mailbox Database. I want to specify it using powershell before Installing.

      1. Rae

        Thank you, Paul! 🙂

  10. Clay


    Long time listener, first time commenter.

    I think I know the answer, but need confirmation before I run it up the food chain. The problem is that they want the smallest possible footprint for Exchange on-premesis, so I am trying to just install the management tools.

    However, I think I really need to install a mailbox server too, right?

    Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work!

  11. Gurd Mar


    In my Environment I have one Physical Server ( HOST01 ), 2 x Hyper-V VMs ( SVRDC01 & SVRMX01) .

    Exchange freshly installed successfully ( new setup ) – but i can’t get to the login page for ECP

    https://localhost/ecp gets me to the website security certificate page – i select continue to the website ( not recommended ) and it just sits there forever – with “Waiting for localhost” “circle going round and round continously

  12. JaG1L


    In my Enviroment i have DC on Physical Server, AD DNS on Hyper-v1 and Exchange2010 on Hyper-v2 under DC physical.

    My question is to prepare and extend AD schema should it run on DC or i cun run from Exchange 2010 Hyper-v2 ?

  13. Eric

    On my brand new install I also had to prepare the domain with:

    setup /Preparedomain /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms

    right after I prepared the AD with setup /PrepareAD /OrganizationName:”XXXXXX” /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms

    otherwise Exchange would not install properly.

  14. babak

    Is preparing forest and domains safe or we need consider some sort of backuping from them?

    1. Avatar photo

      All change carries risk. AD prep for Exchange is fairly safe. It’s a low likelihood of causing problems, but high impact if it does. Therefore, you should have an AD forest/domain backup and recovery plan in place (go read about forest recovery, for example). That AD backup/recovery plan should be something you always have ready in case of other issues as well.

  15. John

    Hi Paul,

    I need to migrate from EX10 to EX16. I accidentally entered exchange organization name while I was preparing the domain(ADprep).
    setup /PrepareAD /OrganizationName:”myexchorg” /IAcceptExchan

    Note: I used the existing exchange organization name though.

    Now I need to proceed with installation of Exchange 2016.
    I know we usually don’t use the org name during AD preparation when we’re installing exchange into an existing Exchange organization.
    Could this cause any problem?

  16. Scott

    I am experiencing 2 issues with exchange 2016CU7 on server 2012R2. First issue is I have a few clients running outlook 2016 and the password prompt keeps popping up. I have followed all of the suggestions on MS support site like clearing credentials in credential manager but this still keeps happening. Like I mentioned it is only a hand full of clients out of 200+.

    The 2nd issue is I imported a bunch of user’s mailboxes via PST import in exchange management and now I keep getting emails over and over that this has failed. I completed the import over a month ago and I am getting several emails per day about this. As a matter of fact, the user that it states in the email actually succeeded so I have no idea why this is happening.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Avatar photo

      Check your namespace configurations (run if you aren’t sure). Check valid certificates are installed. Check your Autodiscover settings in Outlook (can be controlled via GPO to stop root domain lookups, for example). If in doubt, use Fiddler or a network analyzer on the client to work out what the client is trying to connect to when the credential popup appears.

  17. novih sandra

    Hi Paul,

    today i had installed exchange 2016 cu6 on windows server 2016.
    but after finish installation owa can not open.
    any bugs with cu6 ? i checked file sharedwebconfig.config still exist.


  18. Herrick

    Hi Paul,

    I am in the process of migrating Exchange 2010 to 2016. I am getting the following error

    [WARNING] The object Domain/Users/DiscoverySearchMailbox {D919BA05-46A6-415f-80AD-7E09334BB852} has been corrupted or isn’t compatible with Microsoft support requirements, and it’s in an inconsistent state. The following validation errors happened:
    [WARNING] Database is mandatory on UserMailbox.
    [WARNING] Database is mandatory on UserMailbox.

    Is it possible to associate the mailbox with a database or would it be advisable to delete and recreate the DiscoverySearch Mailbox

    1. Avatar photo
  19. Richard Kokoski

    Oh and the type of the DNS record at GoDaddy is SRV

  20. Richard Kokoski


    I am looking for some guidance on the DNS configurations for an in-house Exchange 2016 server. I see in your documentation to create an A record (“Mail”) in the internal DNS that points to the IP address of the Exchange 2016. I also read some where else to have a 2nd A record for “ActiveSync” but you don’t mention that.

    Also, and a bigger one… What do I put in the public DNS records at GoDaddy to support this Exchange. Right now I manage a bunch of SBS2011 servers and I have only created a single public DNS that looks like this and I have ports 25 and 443 forwarded through the firewall to my Exchange2016 box

    Service = _autodiscover
    Protocol = _tcp
    Name = *
    Target =
    Priority = 0
    Weight = 0
    Port = 443

    1. Avatar photo

      That SRV record is for external Autodiscover requests by non-domain joined clients (e.g. mobile devices). You would also need an A record of that resolves to the public IP address of your firewall/router that NATs to the Exchange server.

      Internally the Autodiscover SCP is registered in AD automatically by Exchange, but you can (and should) change it. The easiest namespace design is to have all HTTPS services (OWA, ActiveSync, EWS, Autodiscover, etc) on the same name (e.g.

      The “mail” part of that name is entirely up to you. You can use “mail”, as a lot of people do. Or use “foo” or “bar” or any word you like. It’s an alias, but “mail” is commonly used.

      All of this relates to your namespace design which you can read more about here:

  21. Bino

    Thank you for sharing installing exchange server,

    i would like to know what all permission need a user to install exchange server and manage , for the security reason i don’t want to use administrator user name to use ECP. will you please explain about it.

    1. Avatar photo
  22. Mohammad Tabbakh

    quick question, is installing Exchange 2016 coexistence 2010 environment have any mail flow or client access interruption before configure any setting ?
    indifferent way: is adding new 2016 server will effect the production while it is fresh installation ?

  23. Mike

    I am in the process of replacing my Exchange 2010 mailbox and gateway servers with Exchange 2016, one of the previous SysAdmins had difficulty install 2010 SP3 on the servers and now the prerequisites are failing since SP3 is not detected. Is there a way to get past this error? I only need the mailbox server up long enough to export the mailboxes after that would be running with the 2016 Exchange.

  24. Avatar photo

    I would never recommend using anything but the correct migration method.

    Not sure why you need to keep the same server name and IP. The server’s real name and IP are largely irrelevant since you can (and should) set the client access namespaces to be different anyway. The IP address is just a matter of adding a DNS record.

    For 12 users why not save yourself the trouble now and in future by migrating your email to Office 365?

    1. Wayne Strauss

      Thanks Paul,
      To your second question, we are a 501C3 non-profit with a volunteer staff.
      We do net have the $100 or so per month budget to provide Office 365 or hosted exchange for the staff. We do however get great non-profit pricing on Microsoft software with Exchange running about $130 and the donation has already been made. So it looks like we’re keeping Exchange at least for 2016.
      First, In the past I’ve had problems making DNS changes with godaddy. Mostly that it can take several days for the changes to flush through the Internet. So I would like to keep the forward facing IP address of our Exchange the same.
      If you are saying that the server name change will have no effect to our Active-sync Phones users and outside Outlook users, Then I think I will just use the “Correct” method. Then once the old server is decommissioned (Exchange uninstalled), switch the new server to the old IP address.
      Does that sound good?

      1. Avatar photo

        Keep in mind that I can’t see your environment or your configuration, so this is general advice:

        – DNS changes can be fast if you lower the TTL for the DNS record in advance of the change. E.g. if your current record has a TTL of 24 hours, lower it to 5 minutes a good week or so before you plan to actually change the DNS record’s value. If DNS changes are still super slow, that might be just bad DNS hosting. I use and recommend Amazon’s Route 53 for cheap, fast, reliable DNS. There’s also good services like DNSimple.

        – the “forward facing IP address” sounds to me like you mean the public IP address. Usually that doesn’t change, and all you need to do is change the NAT on your firewall or edge router to NAT that traffic to the new server’s internal IP.

        – a server migration won’t impact users or devices if you’ve got your client access namespaces configured correctly already. E.g. a server named EX01.domain.local can have client access namespaces of When you install a new server named EX02.domain.local to migrate to, the DNS record is updated to point to the new server and clients don’t need any config changes. This is all spelled out in the Exchange Deployment Assistant which is available on the Microsoft website, and you can see a demo of a typical migration in my blog post series ( or my Pluralsight course ( There’s no need for you to guess how the migration process goes because it’s well documented.

        1. Wayne Strauss

          Paul you are wonderful!
          I’ve followed all your instructions on prerequisites and install and now have the 2016 up and running along the 2013. (I did also need to install CU-15 on the 2013 first)
          I’m now moving mailboxes and all looks smooth from the inside and out.
          Yes, I meant forward facing, and when I’m done moving mailboxes, I’m going to switch the IP’s before shutting the 2013 down for good. (so hopefully no DNS changes inside or out will need to be made)
          1 more question, when I’m ready to uninstall Exchange from the 2013, do I need to also move the -arbitration boxes to the new server or is it OK to just delete/disable them?
          Thanks so much!

          1. Wayne Strauss

            It’s all good.
            Migration went great.
            Old server gone.
            I’m just accumulating all sorts of system mailboxes over the years.


  25. Wayne Strauss

    Hi Paul, I have just one Exchange Server 2013 with 12 users. Time to upgrade to 2016 , and just like last time (2010-13), there is no simple in place upgrade. I know the proper way would be to install the new server, move the mail boxes, then decommission the old server. But I want the new server to have the same AD name and IP address as the old one. So last time I backed up 12 boxes to .pst, uninstalled Exchange from AD, upgraded the server OS, installed and configured exchange, restored .pst files to the new mailboxes. Kind of seems crazy but it worked, and I got to keep my server name and IP without setting up new server. Would this work now? Is there a reason I need upgrade it the “Correct” way? If I upgrade the proper way, I don’t think I could rename the server after the old one is decommissioned. right?

  26. Clifford

    Excellent article
    Setup in a lab and it’s working like a dream
    Thanks Paul

  27. Gump Yi

    Hi Paul,
    There is one scenario on my environment, i removed the exchange server from its Domain and join into the same domain again. Exchange ECP opened with error, and then i use “setup /PrepareAD /OrganizationName:”Exchange Lab” /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms” to generate Exchange Security Group. After i finished prepare ad job, another error happens when i open ECP again. Error Message Listed below:
    No Minimal Required Number of Suitable Directory Servers Found in Forest velaskec.local Site Default-First-Site-Name and connected Sites.

    Should i update the schema first? Thanks!

  28. Ahmad Mazhar

    Setup can’t use the domain controller because it belongs to Active Directory site ”. Setup must use a domain controller in the same site as this computer

    while installing Fresh exchange 2016 on windows server 2012 R2

    Please help

  29. Eslam Refaei

    Hi, Paul
    thanks a lot for this helpful post
    i have a question please, i want to create another owa for serving specific users. is it possible and how ?

  30. Nuwan Ranawaka

    Hi paul

    I have two exch 2010 servers in my organization & both updated with latest RU 15 _ (ProductVersion FileVersion

    14.03.0319.002) . I am trying to install exch 2016 in to same organization & getting readiness check error ” All Exchange 2010 servers in the organization must have Exchange 2010 Service Pack 3 or later installed. The following servers don’t meet this requirement: “.

    did try to update schema from command prompt & still same error .

    ProductVersion FileVersion FileName
    ————– ———– ——–
    14.03.0319.002 14.03.0319.002 C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14binExSetup.exe

    and AD rangeUpper 14734

    I already fulfill pre req : exch 2010 SP3 & running UR 15
    confirmed in control panel installed updates showing update rollup 15 for exchange installed already

    I cannot think what I am missing , thx

      1. Nuwan Ranawaka

        Paul , Thank in advance
        I have very small setup no DAG or Edge there is only ( one CAS & one Mailbox server , ) & 2016 setup warning about only internet facing CAS server but not mailbox server . They both are up to date & running exch2010 SP3 RU15


        1. Avatar photo

          Maybe there’s an AD replication issue. Or maybe the update didn’t apply successfully. There’s not much I can suggest since I can’t see your environment. Perhaps you should open a Microsoft support case.

          1. Nuwan Ranawaka

            Paul , Thank You

            yes, I will open Microsoft support case, Appreciates quick response as always & proud to be a fan of you / since 2012 .


            by the way that pluralsight video ” Migrating to Exchange server 2016 ” is superb ….

  31. Robert Österlund

    i don’t know if any of you have any use of these lines, but i did, and they extend to the line you supplied in order to check for AD-prep success. Anyways, i share the PS-code here with you.

    “Exchange Configuration Version = ” + ([ADSI](“LDAP://CN=,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=” + ([ADSI]”LDAP://Configuration”).configurationNamingContext)).objectVersion
    # the answer to the line above: Exchange Object Version = 16212

    “Exchange Default Version = ” + ([ADSI](“LDAP://CN=Microsoft Exchange System Objects,DC=” + ([ADSI]”LDAP://Default”).defaultNamingContext)).objectVersion
    # the answer to the line above: Exchange Default Version = 13236

    to find what number equals what version check this site ->

  32. David Walsh


    Great article, could you possible help. I’m trying to install Exchange 2016 to a virtual machine,
    I have run all the prerequisites and they all completed with no issues including /PrerareSchema, /PrepareAD and /PrepareAllDomains
    When I run the install process I get to the installing of the Mailbox Role: Transport Service at which point the install fails (at 93%) with the below error message

    Any assistance is appreciated


    Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. —> System.InvalidOperationException: This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms.

    1. Avatar photo

      Please don’t post long log files or error output into comments, it breaks the layout of the page.

      I’ve edited your post down to just the exception message that was thrown. A Google search suggests that the error may occur if the local security policy of the server requires FIPS compliant algorithms.

      1. David Walsh


        Thanks for your assistance, I checked the FIPS settings in Local Security policy and found that it was enabled, once I changed this to disabled for this machine, Exchange installed with no problems, again thanks for your assistance

  33. vardges

    How can I reinstall MS Exchange 2016 on new server. I’ve 2servers in DAG, and and they are corrupted. I’ve tried all kind of recovery actions, even my Backup files are corrupted. So i decide to setup new server(VM) on same domain. The only thing I’m thinking about, is AD. I don’t know what kind of problems can I have if I install new server, with same domain alongside same AD.
    Can you assist me to understand possible problems?

    Thank you in advance.

    1. Avatar photo

      I suggest you contact a consultant or open a Microsoft support case, since it sounds like you’re in quite a mess and don’t understand how to get out of it. There’s a lot that can go wrong, including making the problem worse, so a support case is highly recommended.

  34. John

    If I want to created a 2 MBX server DAG with Exchange server 2016, what would be the steps to install Exchange 2016 on the 2nd server? Would it be the same steps in this article for the 2nd server?

  35. Dionne

    Good – I should definitely pronounce, impressed with your site. I had no trouble navigating through all the tabs and related info ended up being truly easy to do to access. I recently found what I hoped for before you know it at all. Quite unusual. Is likely to appreciate it for those who add forums or anything, website theme . a tones way for your customer to communicate. Nice task..

  36. marc matthes

    Looking for any suggestions someone might have on a very hands on how to exchange server book i could use for teaching two technical students?

  37. Tom Andrews

    Thanks for the clear and concise information.
    I used your articles when I deployed Exchange 2013 and now again when going to 2016.
    I have not been able to find steps for the actual migration from 2013 to 2016 though and wondered if you had published anything (mailbox migration, connectors, etc.)
    Thanks for what you do.

  38. George Gaprindashvili

    can you guys see my comment- its says awaiting moderation?

    1. Avatar photo

      It got held in moderation because you posted a large amount of raw error/log information. I’m not going to approve it because it’s just a big dump that makes me suspect you haven’t read the few lines of information in it that are most important. It also makes a mess of the page layout if I approve the comment.

      Read your error message and research it, you’ll find lots of information available with suggested fixes.

  39. Enis


    Thanx a lot for this article!
    However, if I want to run hosted exchange how do i proceed? I want to have several organizations and several domain names. How do I do than? what is the difference?

  40. dlb

    May be good to note that the .NET version listed above is not the latest but is still the correct version to use. .NET 4.6 is not officially support and has known problems. I found that out the hard way when installing in a new environment. I followed your site to install 2016. But after I installed .NET, I ran Windows Update to get it to the latest. I’m having to downgrade it now.

  41. Lowell

    Paul, thanks for the article. We are having a company migrate our Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2016. I believe we have to first go to Exchange 2013 and then to Exchange 2016. When they quoted us a price they said that they’re running Exchange on two boxes so if one fails the other picks up immediately and then there is a Witness server which is to monitor the two to make sure they are sync’d and running properly. Any thought on this? Thanks.

    1. Avatar photo

      Correct on the 2007 -> (2010 or 2013) -> 2016 migration path, as 2007 can’t go direct to 2016.

      For the other point, what they’re referring to is a “database availability group” (DAG), which is the high availability model for Exchange (think cluster, but different). The witness they’re referring to is the File Share Witness (FSW), which comes into play for “quorum voting” for the DAG when a failure occurs.

      The FSW doesn’t actively monitor the other two servers as you describe, that is incorrect. The DAG has it’s own internal smarts for monitoring itself, called Managed Availability, and will try to take its own correct actions to resolve problems, but that is still not a replacement for monitoring. There’s third party monitoring suites that can keep an eye on a DAG for you (as well as the rest of your network), or you can run PowerShell scripts such as my Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 (Google that) script to keep an eye on things for you.

      Hope that helps.

  42. Keith Rickett

    Just wanted to add that UCMA must be installed before attempting to install Exchange 2016 otherwise it will halt at the prereqs stage 😉

  43. Joe

    Hi Paul,

    first Thx for your Article.
    But, I llowing your steps and in final phase of Exchange ManagementTools installation I got the Error ‘ The User has not the right Privilege for this Task. (Set-LocalPermissions).

    Is this a know Error or waht can I do?

    Thx in Advance


  44. Rashed Alkhoudary

    Does Exchange 2016 applicable to install on Windows Server 2016 TP4

  45. Fernando

    Installing 2016 using the GUI I ran into a error:

    The following error was generated when “$error.Clear();
    BinCmdletExtensionAgentsScriptingAgentConfig.xml’.”” —>

    Setup was unable to continue. After renaming the file from .xml.config to .xml Setup was able to continue.

    I ran a test instalation and it worked fine, on the production instalation this error shows up.

    Is there a reason for this?

    Best Regards, you articles are great.

  46. Scott

    HI Paul

    Thanks for a great article – I have successfull prepped the Schema and AD but get all these errors when trying to run the setup:

    C:ScottExchange>setup /Mode:Install /Role:Mailbox /IAcceptExchangeServerLicens

    Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Unattended Setup

    Copying Files…
    File copy complete.
    Setup will now collect additional information needed for

    Management tools
    Mailbox role: Transport service
    Mailbox role: Client Access service
    Mailbox role: Unified Messaging service
    Mailbox role: Mailbox service
    Mailbox role: Front End Transport service
    Mailbox role: Client Access Front End service

    Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check

    Configuring Prerequisites COMPLETED
    Prerequisite Analysis FAILED

    This computer requires Windows Media Audio Voice Codec. Install the Media
    Foundation feature via Server Manager.
    For more information, visit:

    The World Wide Web (W3SVC) service is either disabled or not installed on this
    computer. You must exit Setup, install the required component, and then restart
    For more information, visit:

    The ‘IIS 7 Dynamic Content Compression’ component is required. Install the
    component via Server Manager.
    For more information, visit:

    The ‘IIS 7 Static Content Compression’ component is required. Install the
    component via Server Manager.
    For more information, visit:

    The ‘Windows Process Activation Service Process Model’ component is required.
    Install the component via Server Manager.
    For more information, visit:

    The ‘IIS 7 Basic Authentication’ component is required. Install the component
    via Server Manager.
    For more information, visit:

    The ‘IIS 7 Windows Authentication’ component is required. Install the component
    via Server Manager.
    For more information, visit:

    The ‘IIS 7 Digest Authentication’ component is required. Install the component
    via Server Manager.
    For more information, visit:

    The ‘IIS 6 WMI Compatibility’ component is required. Install the component via
    Server Manager.
    For more information, visit:

    The ‘ISAPI Filter’ component is required. Install the component via Server
    For more information, visit:

    The ‘Client Certificate Mapping Authentication’ component is required. Install
    the component via Server Manager.
    For more information, visit:

    The ‘Directory Browsing’ component is required. Install the component via
    Server Manager.
    For more information, visit:

    The ‘HTTP Errors’ component is required. Install the component via Server
    For more information, visit:

    The ‘HTTP Logging’ component is required. Install the component via Server
    For more information, visit:

    The ‘HTTP Redirection’ component is required. Install the component via Server
    For more information, visit:

    The ‘Tracing’ component is required. Install the component via Server Manager.
    For more information, visit:

    The ‘Request Monitor’ component is required. Install the component via Server
    For more information, visit:

    The ‘Static Content’ component is required. Install the component via Server
    For more information, visit:

    The ‘Web-Mgmt-Service’ component is required. Install the component via Server
    For more information, visit:

    The Windows component NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45 isn’t installed on this
    computer and needs to be installed before Exchange Setup can begin.
    For more information, visit:

    The Windows component RSAT-Clustering isn’t installed on this computer and
    needs to be installed before Exchange Setup can begin.
    For more information, visit:

    The Windows component RSAT-Clustering-Mgmt isn’t installed on this computer and
    needs to be installed before Exchange Setup can begin.
    For more information, visit:

    The Windows component RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell isn’t installed on this
    computer and needs to be installed before Exchange Setup can begin.
    For more information, visit:

    The Windows component RSAT-Clustering-CmdInterface isn’t installed on this
    computer and needs to be installed before Exchange Setup can begin.
    For more information, visit:

    This computer requires the Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 4.0,
    Core Runtime 64-bit. Please install the software from
    For more information, visit:

    The Windows component Web-Net-Ext45 isn’t installed on this computer and needs
    to be installed before Exchange Setup can begin.
    For more information, visit:

    The Windows component Web-ISAPI-Ext isn’t installed on this computer and needs
    to be installed before Exchange Setup can begin.
    For more information, visit:

    The Windows component Web-ASP-NET45 isn’t installed on this computer and needs
    to be installed before Exchange Setup can begin.
    For more information, visit:

    The Windows component RPC-over-HTTP-proxy isn’t installed on this computer and
    needs to be installed before Exchange Setup can begin.
    For more information, visit:

    The Exchange Server setup operation didn’t complete. More details can be found
    in ExchangeSetup.log located in the :ExchangeSetupLogs folder.


    Any ideas? Thanks

      1. Scott

        Can you not do that from the command line – I ended up using the GUI which installed them for me

  47. Darryl

    Thanks for a great guide. Like Andre, I cannot log into the EAC or OWA with administrator or a new user/admin credentials. EAC says username or password wrong, and OWA accepts it but gives me a blank screen.

    New 2012 R2 server with new Exchange 2016 installed. Nothing else done yet.

    I also tried using the URL to EAC that contains the server name so that the SSL would work without errors as “localhost” causes SSL errors in the browser.

    Advice why we can’t log into EAC?

    1. John

      No one on the internet is taking the time to respond to the EMS login problems. It’s frustrating. I set up a new 2012 R2 server then installed Exchange 2016. Couldn’t log in and couldn’t find many solutions.

      I enabled Basic and Windows authentication for the PowerShell virtual directory in IIS to get EMS working.

  48. Andre

    I have now installed Exchange 2016 twice but cannot log in from the browser
    What am I missing

  49. Hermann Deters

    Hi Paul,
    thanks a lot for all your great articles. If I have an exchange question my first (and often last) stop is this site.
    I have a question on Exchange 2016 prerequisites: Is Windows Server 2008 R2 minimum for domain and forest level and all domain controllers like you stated in your article or is it Windows 2008 like you can read on Microsofts Technet ( )?

  50. Phil Goldwasser

    One more thing! I promise 😉

    Suddenly when trying to start EMS on any of my servers, I am getting the following:

    New-PSSession : [fnymail2.nii.local] Connecting to remote server fnymail2.nii.local failed with the following error
    message : Access is denied. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
    At line:1 char:1
    + New-PSSession -ConnectionURI “$connectionUri” -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Excha …
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : OpenError: (System.Manageme….RemoteRunspace:RemoteRunspace) [New-PSSession], PSRemotin
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : AccessDenied,PSSessionOpenFailed

    Then it attempts to connect to each of the other servers, including the 2010 server and fails on each of them. Finally, it gives me the opportunity to enter in the fqdn of a server, but again it fails. Have you seen anything like this? After a while, it will work again, but it is random and not specific to any of the three servers.

    The following will sometimes work in a regular PS shell (with a securestring file containing an encrypted password):

    $username = “NIIAdministrator”
    $password = cat D:Adminsecurestring.txt | convertto-securestring
    $cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential `
    -argumentlist $username, $password
    $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri ‘http://FNYMAIL1.NII.LOCAL/PowerShell/’ –Credential $cred -Authentication Kerberos

    Import-PSSession $Session -AllowClobber -DisableNameChecking | Out-Null

    This is getting to be troublesome and I want to make sure it is straightened out before going live.

  51. Phil Goldwasser

    Hi Paul. I have installed three Exchange 2016 servers and I am a little confused on some of the config. When I got to Mail Flow > Send Connector I see three different send connectors. Shouldn’t I only need one? Or do I need three of everything since each server has to have the ability to send and receive email since at some point two of the three servers could conceivably fail? I am guessing that last question is correct.

    I also have an existing Exchange 2010 server that is live and I want to configure the DAG and load balancing with these three machines so when I am ready to move mailboxes to my new databases everything will be all set. Is it possible to do this?

    When I am setting my namespaces on the three servers, do I set them all the same? I would imagine that all three servers will have the same namespace set because the load balancer can at any point send the request to any of the servers.

    Amy I making sense?

    Finally, in terms of a CAS array, is there still such a thing in 2016? Or is the load balancer going to take care of all of this?

    Thanks again, and I hope to ease up on my questions to you soon! This is my biggest Exchange project and I do not foresee anything like this in the near future (thank God!)

    1. Phil Goldwasser

      Correction, there are only two send connectors, one on my production 2010 server and one for my new 2016 servers. There are however, Receive connectors for all three of the new servers.

    2. Avatar photo

      You only need one Send Connector, especially if it’s just one site. If you want some redundancy you can add multiple source Transport servers to that connector.

      There’s no CAS Array in 2016 (or 2013) like there was in 2010. Clients connect with Outlook Anywhere, even internally. So you just need to load balance the CAS namespaces (OA, OWA, ActiveSync, Autodiscover, etc). Yes they should all be the same within a single site.

      It also means all the servers can use the same SSL cert.

      Here’s some relevant articles:

      1. Phil Goldwasser

        Thanks! I had actually figured most of it out on my own already mostly from your website! I have the new 2016 infrastructure pretty much working. Email from a 2016 mailbox to a 2010 mailbox is working. Mail between databases in 2016 is working. Mail to and from the internet on both 2010 and 2016 is working, So it looks good!

        I configured the KEMP load balancer (appliance, not virtual) using their template and a tutorial that I found on the internet. That looks good, but once I changed my firewall to point to the load balancer (using a different public ip from my production email servers) I was able to browse to the sign in page in Exchange 2016, but when I enter the username and password, it just brings be right back to the login page. I changed the namespaces on all three servers using your script which worked great.

        I added the certificate to the KEMP, but I have not added to the servers. That may be the issue. I set the KEMP for HTTPS Reencypted, which means that I need to have the cert on my servers as well. What is your opinion about full SSL offloading, so that the communication between he KEMP and the email servers are not encrypted? This was my first thought, but I did not want to spend the time last night learning how to enable ssl offloading on the servers just for testing. So I will put the cert on the servers as well and see what happens. I would like to get your opinion though. SSL offloading should take a little strain off of the servers I would think?

        Thanks again!

        1. Phil Goldwasser

          I did add the certificate to the three new 2016 servers and I still have the problem when I try to connect to OWA through the KEMP. I can call KEMP tomorrow to work with them.

  52. Milton Lopez

    Hi Paul. Thanks for the great articles. Since it’s 2016 I’d like to pose again the question asked some time ago by Sunil. For a small organization wishing to upgrade form a single Exchange 2010 server, would you deploy 2013 or 2016? Conventional wisdom may tell us to wait for more CUs, but some Exchange experts have called 2016 “2013 SP2”, which would seem to indicate it is a better choice.

    Your thoughts will be much appreciated, as always.


  53. Jon

    Greetings Paul,

    Thanks for the always great tutorials. No matter when we search for online help topics your articles always seem to appear and shed light!

    We just rolled out a new Exchange 2016 installation on a new server. We then went to configure connection filtering and discovered it only appears to be available on Edge transport servers. If that assumption is correct, we did not include on this install.

    Do we have an option to add this role or are we SOL?

  54. Md Shaifullah Mozide Palash

    Hi Paul,
    You are my exchange boss. i follow you for long time and thanks a million once again for this Article

  55. Silvio

    This error final Step configuring services on exchange 2016… Step 15….

  56. Silvio

    Help please…

    Change TCP congestion window to size 16 within datacenter to optimize for network latency on Windows 2012 servers
    $computerVersion = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version;
    if(($computerVersion.Major -eq 6) -and ($computerVersion.Minor -eq 2))
    $p = Get-NetTCPSetting;
    Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ($p);
    foreach ($a in $p)
    if($a.SettingName -eq “Custom”)
    $s = Set-NetTCPSetting -SettingName Custom -InitialCongestionWindowMss 16 -MinRtoMs 300 -CongestionProvider CTCP -InitialRtoMs 400 -DelayedAckTimeoutMs 10;
    $t = New-NetTransportFilter -SettingName Internet -LocalPortStart 443 -LocalPortEnd 443 -RemotePortStart 0 -RemotePortEnd 65535;
    $n = New-NetTransportFilter -SettingName Custom -LocalPortStart 0 -LocalPortEnd 65535 -RemotePortStart 444 -RemotePortEnd 444;
    Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ($s + ” ” + $t + ” ” + $n);

    [11/08/2015 20:00:56.0993] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution:
    [11/08/2015 20:00:56.0993] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Não é possível converter ‘System.Object[]’ para o tipo ‘System.String’ necessário para o parâmetro ‘Message’. Não há suporte para o método especificado.
    [11/08/2015 20:00:56.0993] [1] The previous errors were generated by a non-critical task and will be ignored.
    [11/08/2015 20:00:56.0993] [1] Setup will continue processing component tasks…
    [11/08/2015 20:00:56.0993] [1] Processing component ‘FrontendTransport PostSetup’ (Finalizando a Instalação da função de Caixa de Correio: Serviço de Transporte de Front-End).
    [11/08/2015 20:00:56.0993] [1] Executing:
    start-SetupService -ServiceName MSExchangeFrontendTransport

      1. pete

        I can’t read the errors either. Google translate says:

        08/11/2015 20: 00: 56.0993 ] [1 ] 0. ErrorRecord : Can not convert ‘ System.Object []’ to type ‘ System.String ‘ required for the ‘ Message ‘ parameter . There is no support for the specified method. [ 08/11/2015 20: 00: 56.0993 ] [1 ] Processing component ‘ FrontendTransport PostSetup ‘ ( Finishing the Installation Mailbox function: Front End Shuttle Service ) .

  57. Michael

    Thank you very much for the article, Paul!

    One easy question: why doesn’t just run GUI setup and does not type any commands into PS? Is there any benefit in installing Exchange “manually” over from GUI?

    1. Avatar photo

      In the command line I can type one command and sit back and let it run. Command line can also be built in to deployment scripts for automating deployment.

      In graphical mode I have to click through a wizard with many steps and questions and it takes longer. And graphical mode can’t be automated.

      So I prefer command line.

  58. Sunil

    Hi Paul,

    If you are in a position where you have an existing Exchange 2010 deployment and are now considering a migration to a newer version of Exchange is it worth waiting for Exchange 2016 or go with a stable version of Exchange 2013?

    I am of the opinion to hold of and wait for 2016 but thought I would ask your opinion.



    1. Mohamed Abd Elahmid

      Thanks for your efforts
      Kindly here same question

      1. Yucel Cetinkaya

        Did someone already install this & how stable is it?
        Thank you

        1. prem

          DOESN’T work as I thought, something wrong with command or instruction

    2. Junaid Ali

      Hi Paul, I would like to know that can we install single exchange server2016 for multiple domain in a single forest. We have two domain separate domain under same forest how the exchange will be deployed ?

  59. Sahil M

    Great article!

    Thank you.

  60. Rogelio Garcia

    Excellent Article Pual

    Thanks Again

  61. Faraz

    Thank you for your article
    I am installing now!!

  62. 최현용

    you are the best!!!
    Thank You!!~~

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