Microsoft Graph

Articles, views, and insights about the practical application of the Microsoft Graph APIs (including the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK) from

Latest Articles

Practical Graph: How to Use Graph Schema Extensions

Sometimes Microsoft 365 tenants need to store specific data for objects like users and groups. The Graph provides several extensibility options. This article describes how to define and use schema extensions to store information about the container management labels assigned to Microsoft 365 Groups.

October 28, 2024

Practical Graph: Reporting Which OneDrive for Business Files are Shared and With Whom

Oversharing of information is a major concern in the AI era. This article describes how to write a script to report file sharing for OneDrive for Business accounts. The report details the files shared, the type of sharing link and access, and who can access the files. It's an example of using the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK to understand what's happening in a tenant.

October 7, 2024

A New Version of the Room Mailbox Statistics Script

The room mailbox statistics script has proven to be a popular script downloaded and used by many to analyze the usage patterns of room mailboxes. Recently, a reader pointed out that the Graph API request to fetch workspaces didn't work. Microsoft has changed the Places resource and the request now needed to run against the beta endpoint. All of which brought me to rewrite the script using the Graph SDK.

October 1, 2024