The next course in my series with Pluralsight for the Exchange 2016 certification exam (70-345) is now available. This course covers transport (mail flow) for Exchange 2016. The course runs for about 3 hours, and includes:

  • Module 1 – Course introduction
  • Module 2 – Internal mail flow
  • Module 3 – Internet mail flow
  • Module 4 – Edge Transport
  • Module 5 – Security and message hygiene
  • Module 6 – Monitoring and troubleshooting
  • Module 7 – Advanced mail flow scenarios
  • Module 8 – High availability and site resilience

During a few of the lessons in this course I point out that some of the features are not widely used in the real world, such as Edge Transport, address rewriting, and domain security. It’s impossible to leave out such topics for a course that is designed to help you prepare for an exam. However, the majority of the content in this course is as important in the real world as it is for your exam preparation.

If you’re an existing Pluralsight subscriber you can access the course now.

If you’re not already a Pluralsight subscriber, sign up for a free trial to watch this course and others. It’s a great investment for professional training that will help you in your career.

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for


  1. Mathew

    Hi Paul,

    What’s the ETA of when the whole course will be completed?


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