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Are you getting enough IOPS in your diet?

Storage guys do not love talking about IOPS, especially when far too much attention is being paid to them by customers buying Exchange solutions.  You would think a die hard storage guy would delight in pulling out one of their many spreadsheets and calculating the optimal disk layout to meet your IOPS needs, but sadly […]

March 11, 2008

MOSS 2007 with SP1 slipstreamed install package released

Microsoft has announced the release of Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server (MOSS) 2007 with SP1 and Windows Sharepoint Services (WSS) 3.0 with SP1. This is a significant release as it allows Sharepoint administrators and developers to deploy an SP1 integrated installation of MOSS or WSS on a new server. The RTM version of MOSS and WSS […]

March 10, 2008

EMS – Check your Exchange Server 2007 services

Thanks to the Exchange Management Shell you can check the status of your Exchange Server 2007 services with a single command line. [PS] C:\>Get-Service | Where {$_.Name -match "Exchange"} Status DisplayName ------ ----------- Running Microsoft Exchange Active Directory... Running Microsoft Exchange Anti-spam Update Running Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync Running Microsoft Exchange File Distribution Stopped Microsoft Exchange […]

March 2, 2008

EMS – Exchange Server 2007 Product Keys

Exchange Server 2007 permits you to install the product and use it for 120 days in trial mode without entering a product key. If you intend to use your system in production you should enter your Exchange Server 2007 product key within that 120 day period (preferably before your system goes into production). You can […]

February 29, 2008

Project Coconut: Part 1 – Getting the environment up to scratch

Project Coconut is underway and the first bit of action is getting the environment up to the pre-requisites for Exchange Server 2007. The existing environment is Active Directory in Windows 2000 Native Mode, with Windows 2000 Server domain controllers, and an Exchange 2000 Server organisation also running on Windows 2000 Server member servers. Part 1 - Getting the environment up to scratch

February 25, 2008

New Exchange, SharePoint, and Forefront content on Technet

Microsoft have released some great new content on a few of the Technet blog sites. What’s new when Installing Ex2007SP1 CCR on a WS08 Cluster – Brett Johnson walks us through some of the key differences when deploying an Exchange 2007 SP1 CCR cluster on Windows Server 2008. Forefront – The New Keyword Filter Example […]

February 19, 2008

I don’t write about Apple products

Even though I own an Apple computer (a G4 iBook) and am on my second iPod I just never write about Apple products on here. There isn’t much to write about I guess. The iBook is used for Garageband, the iPod syncs to a Windows computer to make sure I’ve got enough podcasts and music […]

February 19, 2008