I’ve spent a lot of time working on Exchange migration projects lately, which means that I’ve moved a lot of mailboxes. When I’m planning batches of mailboxes to migrate one of the pieces of information I look at is the current size and mailbox count for the mailbox databases on the server I’m migrating to.

For Exchange Server 2007 environments I use this script to quickly report that information to me.

[PS] C:\Scripts>.\get-mbinfo.ps1 -server EX2007MB

Database                                    Size (Mb)                 Mailboxes
--------                                    ---------                 ---------
EX2007MB_DB1                              98774.89                        86
EX2007MB_DB2                              92505.02                        53
EX2007MB_DB3                                102523                        63
EX2007MB_DB4                                107795                        61
EX2007MB_DB5                              98085.02                        72
EX2007MB_DB6                              101591.3                        69
EX2007MB_DB7                              112167.1                        90
EX2007MB_DB8                                102109                        57
EX2007MB_DB9                                104767                        35

This script is only written to work for Exchange Server 2007 Mailbox servers at the moment, and needs only one parameter provided (the -server).

Here is the full script code.

#Returns the list of mailbox databases on a server
#along with the mailbox count and .edb file size
#for each database.
#.\get-mbinfo.ps1 -server EX2007MB

#You must specify a server name

#If server name not provided try using the local host
if ($server -eq $nul) {$server = $env:COMPUTERNAME}

#Exit if server is not an Exchange mailbox server
$rolecheck = Get-ExchangeServer $server -erroraction silentlycontinue
if ($rolecheck.IsMailboxServer -ne $true)
	Write-Host "Server" $server "is not a mailbox server" -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor white
	Write-Host "Use -Server to specify a valid mailbox" -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor white
	Write-Host "server to run script against." -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor white

#Check if its a cluster so that node name can be used for EDB file size check
$cluster = get-ClusteredMailboxServerStatus -identity $server -erroraction silentlycontinue 
if ($cluster -eq $nul)
	$servername = $server
	$CluObj = New-Object -com "MSCluster.Cluster"	
	$ActiveNode = $CluObj.ResourceGroups.Item($Server).OwnerNode.Name

	$servername = $ActiveNode

#Get the list of mailbox databases from the server (excluding recovery databases)
$dbs = Get-MailboxDatabase -server $server | Where {$_.Recovery -ne $true}

#Quick reorder
$dbs = $dbs | sort-object name

foreach ($db in $dbs)
	#Get the mailbox count for the database
	$mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -database $db -IgnoreDefaultScope -Resultsize Unlimited -erroraction silentlycontinue
	$mbcount = $mailboxes.count
	#Get the EDB file size for the database
	$edbfilepath = $db.edbfilepath 
	$path = "`\`\" + $servername + "`\" + $db.EdbFilePath.DriveName.Remove(1).ToString() + "$\"+ $db.EdbFilePath.PathName.Remove(0,2) 
	$dbsize = Get-ChildItem $path 
	[float]$size = $dbsize.Length /1024/1024 
	$dbname = $db.name

	$returnedObj = new-object PSObject
	$returnedObj | add-member NoteProperty -name "Database" -value $dbname
	$returnedObj | add-member NoteProperty -name "Size (Mb)" -value $size
	$returnedObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Mailboxes" -Value $mbcount

Note: I referenced some code samples on the web when I was putting this together but forgot to track where they were from. If you spot a snippet that originated from you please let me know so I can add credit.

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for Practical365.com.


  1. CoffeeBlack

    FYI – When copying your code, your path name appears as though it is incorrect now for some reason. What used to be slashes are now single quotes or something.

    $path = ““” + $servername + “`” + $db

    1. Avatar photo
      Paul Cunningham

      A bunch of my code samples got messed up in a DB migration between WordPress sites. I’ll try and fix it. In the meantime if you copy/paste into the PowerShell ISE or VS Code it should highlight any syntax problems.

  2. Luis Reyes

    Script Works into an environment Exchange 2013?

    Greetings from Mexico


  3. Garry

    This script is working better for me and appears to be more accurate:

    Get-MailboxDatabase | Select Server, StorageGroupName, Name, @{Name=”Size (GB)”;Expression={$objitem = (Get-MailboxDatabase $_.Identity); $path = ““” + $objitem.server + “`” + $objItem.EdbFilePath.DriveName.Remove(1).ToString() + “$”+ $objItem.EdbFilePath.PathName.Remove(0,2); $size = ((Get-ChildItem $path).length)/1048576KB; [math]::round($size, 2)}}, @{Name=”Size (MB)”;Expression={$objitem = (Get-MailboxDatabase $_.Identity); $path = ““” + $objitem.server + “`” + $objItem.EdbFilePath.DriveName.Remove(1).ToString() + “$”+ $objItem.EdbFilePath.PathName.Remove(0,2); $size = ((Get-ChildItem $path).length)/1024KB; [math]::round($size, 2)}}, @{Name=”No. Of Mbx”;expression={(Get-Mailbox -Database $_.Identity | Measure-Object).Count}} | Format-table -AutoSize

  4. Garry

    The script reported that there are 441 on my database “m7sg10priv1”.
    I went into the Exchange Management Console for Recipient Mailboxes and did a filter where “Database” equals “m7sg10priv1”, and only 1 mailbox showed up.

    So I don’t know if the mailbox # count is correct.


    In my case I like returned dbsize to be in GB so I made this change at the end and works fine.

    $returnedObj | add-member NoteProperty -name “Size (GB)” -Value (“{0:n2}” -f ($dbsize.Length/1024MB))

  6. Joss

    This script doesn’t work with a 2003’s OS server. I get :
    Get-ChildItem : Cannot find path ‘\MyCCRNameMySGMyDB.edb’ because it does not exist.

    It’s strange because this works well on a 2008 server’s OS.

    Any clue?

    Best regards

  7. Michael

    I overlooked the Unix-like “.” leading the command. I was treating it more like a DOS batch file.
    Thank you for this script, it did work.

  8. Michael

    I copied and pasted into Notepad and gave it the name you mention. In the Windows PowerShell on my Win2008 Standard server, I see a “Suggestion” that “the command was not found, but does exist in the current location”. This is followed by the error “The term ‘get-mbinfo.ps1’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet…..”

    I used your parameter to input the name of my Exchange server.
    Thank you.

  9. Rajbabu


    The below script is also give the same… 🙂

    Get-MailboxDatabase | foreach-object {add-member -inputobject $_ -membertype noteproperty -name mailboxdbsizeinGB -value ([math]::Round(([int64](get-wmiobject cim_datafile -computername $_.server -filter (‘name=”’ + $_.edbfilepath.pathname.replace(“”,”\”) + ””)).filesize / 1GB),2)) -passthru} | Sort-Object mailboxdbsizeinGB -Descending | format-table identity,mailboxdbsizeinGB

    1. Rajbabu

      But not the mailbox count 🙂

  10. Murambi

    Thanks a whole load. This is just what i needed. Your articles rock Paul!

  11. allenr74

    Thanks for this script. I used it to get the mailbox count on a remote server. It worked for 2 times. Now, when I identify the server with as before (-server servername), I get an error that the object cannot be located. The server is obviously still in AD. I will try to run it locally but was wondering if you have ever seen this issue?

  12. Mide

    Thanks a bunch! Exactly what I was looking for.

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