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Using Azure Automation to Monitor Unified Audit Log Events

The Office 365 audit log is a rich source of forensic information. This article explains how to use Azure Automation to search the log for high-priority events. We use the new support for managed identities in V3.0 of the Exchange Online management PowerShell module to search the audit log and end up sending a nice HTML-format message to administrators.

October 17, 2022

Practical Graph: Create a Mailbox Contents Report

Everyone likes reports. Well, here's a PowerShell script to create a report of Exchange Online mailbox content. The script uses the Graph API to list every item more than a year old (you can remove the filter if you like) and creates an Excel workbook containing the data. What you do with the information afterwards is up to you!

October 3, 2022

Introduction to the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK

A Unified Approach to Microsoft 365 management The Microsoft Graph API has been around for some time now and Microsoft is moving more management functions (such as License Management for Azure AD Accounts) to the platform. When Microsoft transitions a function to the Graph, organizations might have to update PowerShell scripts. Getting started with the […]

September 28, 2022

Using Microsoft 365 Desired State Configuration in Tenant-to-Tenant Migrations

Control Your Configuration as Migrations Unfold It can be quite a challenge to maintain workload configurations in a Microsoft 365 tenant. Small to medium size organizations might have administrators responsible for the management of the entire tenant. Large enterprise organizations might assign different people to manage different workloads. All share a common responsibility of keeping […]

September 20, 2022

Update Teams External Access Configuration With PowerShell

The Teams external access configuration includes an allow list that defines which Microsoft 365 tenants are allowed to collaborate with your users through chats and meetings. To make sure that your allow list is complete, we can check the guest accounts present in the tenant and update the configuration with the domains used by guests. All in a matter of some straightforward PowerShell code.

September 15, 2022

Alas Kaizala, All is Lost

On August 26, Microsoft announced that they will retire Kaizala in August 2023. The Kaizala retirement is not big news because it's been coming for a while. If you want to get ahead of the game, you can remove the Kaizala service plans from the Office 365 licenses assigned to user accounts. We explain how to do the job in an example PowerShell script.

August 30, 2022