Before removing the legacy Exchange server that runs the Recipient Update Service the RUS needs to be removed from the organization.  There are at least two Recipient Update Services in an Exchange organization, the Enterprise RUS and the Domain RUS (one per domain).  The simplest way to remove them all is using ADSIEdit.msc.

On the Exchange Server 2007 server launch ADSIEdit.msc.  Connect to the Configuration Naming Context.


Navigate to CN=Configuration/CN=Services/CN=Microsoft Exchange/CN=First Organization/CN=Address Lists Container/CN=Recipient Update Services.  In the middle pane delete each of the Recipient Update Services listed.


About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for


  1. Shaun

    Only article that detailed deleting more than one entry where present. Exchange 07 did not blow up following this.

    Thank you for the info.

  2. Dennis

    Thanks. All the other directions I found only mentioned deleting the Enterprise RUS. It was if the other one didn’t exist.

  3. Alexandros

    Do i have to delete both CN recipient update services?

    1. Alexandros

      Also if i delete this what will happened ?

      1. Avatar photo
        Paul Cunningham

        This is a step in the decommission of Exchange 2003 servers from an organization after deploying Exchange 2007. You need to delete the RUS before the Exchange 2003 server that is selected for that RUS can be uninstalled.

      2. Alexandros


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