Tag: Consent

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Connecting to the Microsoft Graph Using the PowerShell SDK

The Microsoft Graph SDK for PowerShell exists to help developers use Graph API calls from PowerShell. It works, but like anything in life, there's a right way to connect and use the SDK and a wrong way. In this article we explore topics like how to connect to the right tenant, how permissions are managed (or not), and why running Graph SDK cmdlets interactively isn't something you should do in production. Good as the SDK is, Microsoft has some big issues to solve to address some obvious security issues.

September 23, 2021

Inventorying Permissions Assigned to Azure AD Apps

Many apps are created in the Azure AD for a tenant. Those apps have permissions to allow them to access data, and consent for those permissions are granted by administrators and users. How often do you check what apps are known in your Azure AD and what permissions those apps have? In this article, we review how to use the Graph API and PowerShell to create a report inventorying apps and permissions. What you do with that data is up to you!

April 26, 2021