Tag: Exchange Online Management module

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Using Azure Automation to Monitor Unified Audit Log Events

The Office 365 audit log is a rich source of forensic information. This article explains how to use Azure Automation to search the log for high-priority events. We use the new support for managed identities in V3.0 of the Exchange Online management PowerShell module to search the audit log and end up sending a nice HTML-format message to administrators.

October 17, 2022

Upgrade Your Exchange Online Scripts to Use the Get-EXOMailbox Cmdlet

Many Exchange Online scripts use the old Get-Mailbox cmdlet to fetch mailbox data. It's time to change these calls out and replace them with Get-ExoMailbox. The new cmdlet is faster than the old and more resilient in its ability to handle server glitches. There's no reason to continue using the old Remote PowerShell cmdlets unless you like slowness and errors.

May 26, 2021