Tag: Exchange Server vulnerability

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Exchange Vulnerabilities Still Being Exploited and Blackhat USA 2021 highlights what’s still to come. What should you do?

It has been a tiring year for Exchange on-premises and hybrid administrators and unfortunately, it's not getting any easier. The HAFNIUM exploits cast a negative light on Microsoft Exchange, re-emphasizing why email is a crucial part of any organization and that nothing and no one is exempt from an attack. Find out why and what you can do to protect your organization NOW.

August 10, 2021

Microsoft Patches Four More Exchange Server Vulnerabilities as the FBI Moves to Clean Infected Servers

Microsoft has released security patches to address four new remote code vulnerabilities in Exchange 2013,2016, and 2019. At the same time, the FBI has removed web shells from compromised servers, but only in the U.S. Now more than ever it is essential that Exchange Server administrators apply all available patches and make sure that their servers have no lingering surprises left behind by attackers.

April 15, 2021