Tag: Viva Learning

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Deep dive into Viva Engage, Goals & Sales and find out why you should collaborate using a PowerApp: Practical 365 Podcast S3 Ep. 8

Viva Engage As promised on the last show, we take a dive into the latest announcements for Microsoft Viva, beginning with the first new addition to the Viva employee experience platform, Viva Engage. On the show, we discuss how Microsoft is being challenged in the area of corporate communications by startup vendors, who are often […]

August 10, 2022

Set up Viva Learning and publish your own content using SharePoint

Viva Learning was launched to GA (General Availability) at Ignite 2021 Fall Edition and rolled out to commercial Microsoft 365 tenants during the last months of 2021. Your employees will, by default, be able to begin using Viva Learning right away without any IT administrator action to enable it or configure it. Now is the time to get to grips with what is available to configure, and how you can use the built-in functionality to good effect.

January 6, 2022