Microsoft has today released new update rollups for Exchange Server 2010 RTM and Exchange Server 2010 SP1.  The new update rollups are:

These update rollups contain important bug fixes for Exchange Server 2010 environments.  It is recommended to update your servers in the following order:

  1. Edge Transport servers
  2. Client Access servers.  Start with the internet-facing Client Access servers.  If you are running a CAS array see this article on how to update CAS array members.
  3. Hub Transport servers
  4. Mailbox servers.  If you are running a Database Availability Group see this article on how to update DAG members.
  5. Unified Messaging servers

From the MS Exchange Team Blog:

Update Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1

This update contains a number of customer reported and internally found issues since the release of RU1. In particular we would like to specifically call out the following fixes which are included in this release:

  • 2322161 Passive DAG Copy Doesn’t Replay Logs if “Don’t mount this database at startup” is Checked
  • 2431500 Cannot connect using Outlook Anywhere as the same user from multiple XP Clients
  • 2409597 Implement OpenFlags.AlternateServer for PublicLogon

The last of those updates (2409597) is a very interesting one.  So far with Exchange Server 2010 SP1 there was no high availability capability for Public Folder databases.  You could place your Public Folder databases on Mailbox servers that are members of a Database Availability Group, however the DAG does not support replication and failover of the Public Folder databases, only for Mailbox databases.

This meant that even though you could configure Public Folder replication to replicate your data between multiple Mailbox servers, if one server or Public Folder database went down the clients that are connecting to that Public Folder database would lose connectivity.

Update 2409597 resolves that issue by re-adding support for the MAPI calls that Outlook clients make for referral to another Public Folder if the database they are trying to connect to is offline.  In short this means that true high availability for Public Folders on Exchange Server 2010 SP1 is now possible once Update Rollup 2 is applied.

Update Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2010 RTM

This update contains an internally found issue which can impact upgrades from RTM RU4 to Service Pack 1. We have opted to release an out-of-band update rollup for Exchange 2010 RTM proactively to ensure customers have as smooth an upgrade experience as possible.

  • 2266458 Setup cannot perform a mode:/uninstall on a HT role server since RU2 delivered MSFTE.msi

Currently, we have no plans to release future update rollups for Exchange Server 2010 RTM. We strongly recommend customers upgrade to Service Pack 1 with the latest Update Rollup after installing this update.

Full details are at the MS Exchange Team blog.

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for

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