What's New at Exchange Server ProThere has been a few changes lately for this site and for myself.

Firstly, I am no longer a contributor to the All Spammed Up and The Email Admin blogs.  After about 18 months of writing weekly articles for those sites I decided to bring it to an end and put some of that time back towards my own projects such as this site.

All up I wrote 82 articles for All Spammed Up and 65 articles for The Email Admin and I enjoyed it immensely.  Hopefully getting back that time can help me build more value into this site for IT pros working with Exchange Server which is my long term goal.

Secondly, this site has had a minor overhaul in design and layout to structure the content better and make it easier to find.  I’m still working on adding in some of the new design elements but all of the content is there for you to enjoy.  If you do spot any major bugs please drop me a line to let me know.

Finally I’ve changed the way that email subscribers receive updates from the site.  Instead of emails going out at random intervals they will now go out on Mondays with a summary of the previous week’s new posts.  I chose Monday because according to my email stats more of you open the email on Monday than any other day.

If you’re not already a subscriber you can sign up using the form at the top right of this page or click here to sign up instead.

Besides receiving regular updates subscribers will also get access to some special bonus content that I am working on, similar to the Exchange 2007 Transition Guide that many of you signed up to receive.

Thanks to all of my subscribers and visitors for your ongoing support.

Image Credit: Flickr

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for Practical365.com.

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