Protecting Exchange Server with TLS 1.3
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is used to setup secure connections between clients and servers. In this blog, we review TLS 1.3, its changes and advantages, and compare it to its predecessor, TLS 1.2.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is used to setup secure connections between clients and servers. In this blog, we review TLS 1.3, its changes and advantages, and compare it to its predecessor, TLS 1.2.
Microsoft recently stopped supporting Microsoft Entra Connect and introduced its successor, Microsoft Entra Cloud Sync. This blog reviews how to set up and configure Microsoft Entra Cloud Sync, with helpful tips along the way.
In this article, Jaap Wesselius explains the available options for SMTP relay when moving to Exchange Online.
In this article, Jaap Wesselius discusses PowerShell serialization, what PowerShell serialization payload signing is, why this is important, and how to manage it.
In this blog, Jaap Wesselius dives deep into TLS and explains what Extended Protection is, how it works in IIS, and how to configure extended protection for Exchange Server.
In this article, Jaap Wesselius reviews the different types of Exchange Server certificates, their uses, and how to manage them.
Shared mailboxes are widely used in Exchange and their permissions are relatively simple to set and manage. In this blog, Jaap Wesselius deep dives into understanding Exchange shared mailbox permissions and walks you through how to grant permissions in different Exchange environments.
In this blog, Jaap Wesselius covers how to manage Exchange 2019 Send and Receive Connectors, including moving to new versions of Exchange.
In this blog, Jaap Wesselius goes over how to set up an Exchange 2019 Edge Transport Server in an on-premises environment.
In this article, Jaap Wesselius discusses outbound mail flow in Exchange 2019 and using a smart host to send email from Exchange 2019.
In this article, Jaap Wesselius explains two ways of creating a Receive Connector for SMTP relay purposes. It is up to your organization to decide which option best fits your needs.
In this article, Jaap Wesselius deep dives into SMTP transport services and the default receive connectors within Exchange 2019.