Author: Nathan McGee

Latest Articles

Automate Exchange Hybrid Server in Azure

Running an Exchange hybrid server in Azure is easy; the challenge is cost - the savior is automation. This article covers how to automate your Exchange Hybrid server in Azure and significantly reduce the cost of running your hybrid server in Azure with basic start/stop solutions, progressing to maintenance scripts to ensure the server is kept up to date regularly. It also explores how the maintenance scripts can be expanded to cover scheduled reporting or other tasks.

April 29, 2022

Use Azure Front Door to Leverage Microsoft’s Global Network for Exchange

With Azure Front Door, you can reduce the strain on Exchange through caching, content compression, and by filtering out malicious bots before traffic even hits the on-premises network. In this article, we demonstrate how you can use Front Door to reduce your Exchange Server load, increase OWA Client performance and provide Microsoft managed certificates.

March 1, 2022