Author: Tony Redmond

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9 Must-Read Practical 365 Posts from 2022

Here’s to another year of practical advice on all things Microsoft! Practical 365 is wrapping up the year with a whopping 200+ articles, focusing on topics such as PowerShell, Exchange, Azure AD, Teams, and much more. This article shares 9 must-read posts, recommended by Steve Goodman, Tony Redmond, and Paul Robichaux.

December 22, 2022

Microsoft Turns Off Basic Authentication for Autodiscover

Now that they've disabled basic authentication for email connection protocols, Microsoft is doing the same for the Autodiscover service. This makes sense. There's no point in allowing basic authentication for Autodiscover when clients can't use basic authentication to connect. Microsoft will therefore turn off basic authentication for Autodiscover as it removes basic authentication for protocols like POP3, EAS, IMAP4, EWS, and MAPI.

November 18, 2022