News and Links for November 11th, 2009
This week's news and links from the Exchange Server community.
This week's news and links from the Exchange Server community.
Microsoft has released an updated version of the Exchange Remote Connectivity Analyzer tool with brand new features and Exchange Server 2010 compatiblity.
I've compiled a list of websites, blogs and Twitter accounts to follow for the latest information about Microsoft Exchange Server. Check out the Exchange Server Links page and you might discover some new sources for Exchange Server news and tips.
Microsoft announced the Release to Manufacturing milestone for Exchange Server 2010, and expects the product to launch in early November.
Help build a comprehensive list of Exchange community sites and blogs by posting URLs and RSS feed links here.
J. Peter Bruzzese (Exclusively Exchange) and Ralph Musgrove (Concord Fax) discuss Exchange Server 2010 and new Unified Messaging features.
As part of the migration of this site to the new domain name I’m making some changes to also migrate the RSS feed in Feedburner. I’m hoping that the outcome will be: Subscribers to the old feed will still receive updates New subscribers will go onto the new RSS feed I’ll be testing this […]
I just want to briefly mention that I have migrated this blog to its new domain name of At the same time I’ve changed the permalink structure and upgraded the WordPress version and the version of my theme as well. Its risky making so many changes at once but I needed to do it […]
The Microsoft Forefront Server Security Support Blog points out that Spamhaus has recently phased out some of their RBLs. It’s come to our attention recently that Spamhaus has phased out the old SBL-XBL list, which has now been replaced by the ZEN list (named after a guard dog). If you’ve got Spamhaus configured in your […]
Microsoft has launched a dedicated training portal for Exchange Server 2007 and 2010. You will find links to Technet document libraries, certification information, special offers, and eLearning catalogs for the Exchange Server product lines. Check it out here.
Microsoft has announced that Service Pack 2 for Exchange Server 2007 will be released in Q3 of this year. The MS Exchange Team has listed some of the key new features in their blog post here. A welcome addition is the new volume snapshot backup plugin for Windows Server 2008. Currently Exchange Server 2007 cannot […]
The MS Exchange Team has written a blog post answering the question of whether or not a 32-bit version of Exchange 2010 will be released. Most people familiar with Exchange are aware that Exchange Server 2007 was the first version that required 64-bit hardware and operating system to run. A 32-bit evaluation version was made […]