This article is based on the Exchange 2013 Preview release and is subject to change when Exchange 2013 reaches RTM. Do not attempt to install Exchange 2013 Preview in a production environment.

Each new version of Exchange Server usually brings with it some new PowerShell cmdlets, and Exchange Server 2013 is no different.

According to a quick check of my test systems, the Test-* cmdlet count for each of  the current versions of Exchange is as follows:

  • Exchange 2007, 17 cmdlets
  • Exchange 2010, 29 cmdlets
  • Exchange 2013, 32 cmdlets

Between Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2013 the changes are as follows.

New cmdlets in Exchange Server 2013:

  • Test-MigrationServerAvailability – relates to migrations to Exchange online
  • Test-OAuthConnectivity – tests OAuth authentication to an application
  • Test-SiteMailbox – tests connectivity between the site mailbox and SharePoint, as well as verifying correct permissions
  • Test-TeamMailbox – I can’t find information on this one yet but it appears to perform similar tests to Test-SiteMailbox

Cmdlets removed in Exchange Server 2013:

  • Test-ExchangeSearch – presumably this is no longer required with the switch to FAST search in the 2013 servers

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for


  1. Antonio Felix


    I am in a middle of migration process from exchange server 2016 to office365, and with MSProxy enabled, and AD sync with my on-premises server, I can not create a end connection point. I have read many suggestions about the subject, but after try all things they say, nothing works. The firewall is ok, as I did the teste with de Microsoft test analyzer. What can I do to make this works and create de end point connection?

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