This is a small update to the Office 365 Groups report PowerShell script that makes reporting on new, modified, and deleted Office 365 Groups easy. It includes several bug fixes and functionality improvements. If you haven’t already got the script, grab it from the TechNet Script Gallery or GitHub and extract it to your computer. If you’re already using the script, just extract the new files over the top of your existing files, and then make a new configuration XML file from the sample provided so that you get the new features included.

What’s Changed?

Questions and feedback are welcome in the comments below. If you encounter a bug please let use know in the comments, or by raising an issue on GitHub.

About the Author

Chris Brown

Chris is a solution architect living in Melbourne, Australia, specializing in Office 365, Amazon/Microsoft public cloud, identity management, and security.


  1. Peter

    Your GroupsReport is really great and for me, timely. Could you also include a column that would report how many members are in the group?

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