In this scenario I am installing a “typical” Exchange Server 2007 server into an existing Exchange organisation.

The installation process will perform the following actions:

  1. Verify the pre-requisites are all met
  2. Prepare the Active Directory Schema, Forest, and Domain
  3. Install the Exchange Server 2007 roles
  4. Check for the latest updates (optional)

For all of this to work quickly and easily you can perform the installation using an account that is a member of the Enterprise Admins and Schema Admins groups, as well as being an Exchange Full Administrator for the existing organisation.  In most cases the “Administrator” account will have all of the required permissions.

In some Active Directory Forests schema updates are disabled on the Schema Master. Refer to this Microsoft article for guidance on how to enable Schema updates.

Installing a Typical Exchange Server

A typical Exchange Server 2007 installation includes these roles:

  • Hub Transport server
  • Client Access server
  • Mailbox server
  • Management Tools

Extract the Exchange Server 2007 installation files to a temporary directory such as C:temp.  Copy the latest update rollup that you downloaded into the Updates folder of the extracted Exchange installation files.  This will cause the update rollup to be applied automatically during setup.

To perform a typical installation using the default directory path, and into an existing Exchange organisation, the following command line is executed.  Use the name of your Exchange Server 2003 server for the /LegacyRoutingServer parameter.

setup /m:install /r:h,c,m,t /

If there is anything missing from your pre-requisites Exchange setup will stop and display an error or warning. You can monitor the progress of the install using Baretail. If everything is fine then you will see this, and it is time to give the server a reboot.

Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server

    Organization Preparation         ......................... COMPLETED
    Copying Exchange files           ......................... COMPLETED
    Exchange Management Tools        ......................... COMPLETED
    Hub Transport Server Role        ......................... COMPLETED
    Client Access server role        ......................... COMPLETED
    Mailbox Server Role              ......................... COMPLETED

The Microsoft Exchange Server setup operation completed successfully.
Setup has made changes to operating system settings that require a reboot to tak
e effect. Please reboot this server prior to placing it into production.

After the reboot run a Windows Update to verify that you have the latest security updates and bug fixes.

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for

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