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Exchange 2007 mailbox users with incorrect language settings

Users may report that their Exchange mailbox displays in an incorrect foreign language in Outlook and Outlook Web Access.  This issue may occur when the Languages attribute of the mailbox is incorrectly set. You can view the language of a mailbox using the Get-Mailbox cmdlet. [PS] C:\>Get-Mailbox -Identity "John Smith" | fl name, languages Name […]

January 19, 2009

This one isn’t iSCSI’s fault

I’m sure Netlimiter is a fine application for throttling your Bittorrent client so you can steal music and movies while still leaving enough bandwidth to watch Youtube clips and IM your friends about what music and movies you’re stealing and which Youtube clips you’re LOLing at. But it does not belong on Exchange servers.  Or […]

January 15, 2009

Exchange 14 details starting to emerge

Microsoft has been working on the next version of Exchange Server (E14) for a few years TAP customers and their Live@edu program, and are now starting to bring details of the upcoming version to the public. The first interesting detail is the continued move towards the “software as a service” model (eg Hosted Exchange) to […]

January 14, 2009

Avoiding the Apple iTunes Tax

Apple’s recent announcement that the iTunes Music Store is going DRM-free has enjoyed mixed reactions from the public.  Most people are happy that all iTunes music purchased will be DRM-free from the end of Q1 2009, with about 80% being DRM-free now.  Many people (myself included) bought iTunes music prior to (or despite) the availability […]

January 9, 2009

Test your Exchange Server remote connectivity

When deploying or troubleshooting Exchange servers I regularly encounter the need to jump onto a host outside of the customer network to perform remote access testing.  Over the years I’ve gotten into the habit of maintaining a host running 24/7 on my home internet connection that I can RDP to and perform these test.  While […]

January 7, 2009

Troubleshooting Exchange Server 2007 Outlook Web Access Logon Failure

From the Microsoft Exchange Team Blog: Despite our attempts at documenting various break/fix scenarios, it can often be frustrating when trying to locate the information you need to resolve an issue as quickly as you would like. I decided to share this information in an attempt to help you resolve the majority of issues that […]

January 1, 2009

Bruce Schneier on Certificate Authorities

“The CA system is broken, but it works because broken systems tend to be better for society, which needs fluidity in the face of complicated social constructs,” Schneier said. “Systems that are broken but work are very common in the real world: Front door locks are surprisingly pickable. Think of faxed signatures, for example. It’s […]

December 31, 2008

2008 roundup

The blog is reaching the end of its third year online.  I wrote my 2007 roundup at about this time last year and now its time to take a look at what happened in 2008. Visitor Growth In 2007 I was relying on Awstats provided by my web host for visitor statistics.  Those stats showed […]

December 30, 2008

Spam quarantine features in Exchange Server 2007

With the right configuration and ongoing tuning the built in Exchange Server 2007 anti-spam features can be effective in many environments.  One thing I’m not a fan of though is the quarantine feature.  You can read more about it in my latest post to AllSpammedUp.com here. Link: Managing spam quarantine for Exchange Server 2007

December 27, 2008

How to save yourself from getting fired

I’ve been working on a post about the current economic client and how best to handle it as an IT professional.  I’ve scrapped and re-drafted so many times and it just hasn’t come together in any coherent and useful manner. Today I stumbled across this post on Mashable from a couple of weeks ago and […]

December 24, 2008