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Exporting Mailbox Contents to PST with Exchange Online

With all the fuss about the new EAC, it's good to note features that still aren't available in the online version. Like how to export mailboxes to PST files. I don't normally like doing anything with PSTs, but sometimes you must grit your teeth and use what's available. In this article, we explain how to use a content search to export the contents of a user mailbox to a PST file.

June 21, 2023

Microsoft Sets March 2025 Date for Retirement of Old Azure AD PowerShell Modules

After much humming and hawing, Microsoft reset the retirement date for several old Azure AD modules to March 30, 2024. The nine-month extension is there to help customers convert scripts to use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK or Graph API requests. On the upside, the extra time is good as it creates space to migrate scripts. On the downside, there's still some challenges in converting from the old Azure AD modules.

June 16, 2023

Practical Graph: Incomplete Task Analysis for Planner Tasks

In the first article about using the Planner Graph API to report details of plans in a Microsoft 365 tenant, we explained the basics of how to extract data about plans, tasks, and buckets to create a report using a PowerShell script. Now we take the lessons learned a step forward to illustrate the principle that with access to data, the possibility for creative use of that data is boundless and upgrade the script to include a listing of incomplete tasks and per-user analysis of incomplete tasks for each plan.

June 12, 2023