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Practical Graph: Using the Extract Sensitivity Labels Graph API

A Graph API is available to extract details of the sensitivity labels assigned to SharePoint Online documents. This article explores how to extract the information from files in a document library and use it to create a report. The nice thing is that once you have the data, you can slice and dice it any way you wish in Excel, Power BI, or whatever tool you prefer.

April 20, 2023

Building your Microsoft 365 PowerShell Toolbox

PowerShell is an important tool for any Microsoft 365 Admin – particularly in larger environments. In this article, Sean McAvinue outlines some key tools and concepts to help tenant admins build a ‘toolbox’ for PowerShell to make almost any scripting task easier and more robust.

April 6, 2023

Using Microsoft Translator with PowerShell for Automatic Translation of Sensitivity Labels

Sensitivity labels support local language values, meaning that you can translate the display name and tooltip for labels so that they appear in the language chosen by a user. Most people don't both because it's painfully slow to insert the translated strings for multiple languages. However, when you apply a mixture of PowerShell and the Microsoft Translator service, the task becomes so much easier.

February 28, 2023

Using PowerShell to Generate a Report About Sensitivity Label Settings

You can manage sensitivity label settings through the Microsoft Purview compliance portal, but it's hard to see all the settings for labels in a consumable manner. This article describes how to use PowerShell to extract and report sensitivity label settings, including highlighting rights assignments that might be out of date. It's an example of just how useful PowerShell is to Microsoft 365 administrators.

February 27, 2023

Practical Graph: Deal with Common Errors when Running Graph Commands with PowerShell

It's great to be able to run Graph API requests in PowerShell scripts if everything goes right. This article describes why some common Graph API errors occur in scripts and what to do when the errors happen. Most errors are due to permissions assigned to the Azure AD apps used to run scripts and getting the basics will resolve those problems.

February 6, 2023